Hi, nutrition class...this is my website that has me blabbing in a
blabbery kind of way about all my daily nonsense. It barely makes sense at times and shows all my ways that can be a little crazy at times.
I have a bio on the right hand side of the page and other websites i run if you want to poke into my history a bit further...nothing interesting here except a web of family members that even i can't keep straight. I am hoping for you to stop by anytime and leave a comment. I only have 2 readers outside my close family so any advice would be much appreciated. I love adding pictures of my children and talking about my busy life that has me running around like a chicken.
I am only 26 hours from graduation and 6 of them i am taking this first summer session. One is our nutrition class, i am very excited about, and the other is a
CIS class...not sure which one but it is advanced Excel and Access, not so excited about that one. I graduate in the spring with a degree in Management-emphasis on Human Resources. I previously have associate degrees in Accounting and Early Childhood
Education...yes interesting combination.
I love to learn and have used all my schooling for various things just not much in the working world. I am a wife and mother first then a full-time student. I am quickly approaching 30..ouch...but really don't mind getting older. I feel much wiser now and not worried as much about what everyone else thinks of me. This is me and i lay it all on the line.
Hopefully we have a good time in this class and can make it fun and not so serious. I want to do well and learn
a lot but not in a stuffy way like many online classes end up being. I look forward to reading all of your websites also. See you soon...