Sunday, May 24, 2009

girl cheese NOT grilled cheese

We had a lazy dinner tonight of soup, grilled cheese, fruit, and green beans. While Hailey and I were eating i started feeding Grant bites of the grilled cheese because it had been to hot to eat earlier. Hailey started giving me these mean looks.
I ignored them for a minute until finally i asked her what her problem was. She angerly says "mom, it is girl cheese and it is NOT for boys". She told me!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

My son is 15 months old (only 1 week late)!!

He loves to talk on the phone just like his momma!

My messy boy playing outside and eating a snack!

We have been remodeling our room and grant loves all the boxes.

He really is the big man on our campus!

I can't believe how big our baby boy is!
He is growing fast. We had our appointment on Tuesday and it went very well. Grant is finally back on track with his growth curve. His weight is 23 pounds...up almost 4 lbs. since his 12 month appointment! Woo-hoo!! He is around 35-40ish percent on his growth curve. His height is around 25% of kids his age at 30.75". His head was 48 cm which is around the 50%. All good news. The doctor was very happy with his growth. It seems that the tubes and lack of ear infections has made him all better.
His speech is still a little behind where we would like but he is progressing. He should be saying around 5-8 words at 15 months and he isn't quite there yet. We decided that we would recheck his speech at his 18 month check-up and see if he has caught up by then. If he doesn't catch up then our doc said he would refer us to the local first steps for assessment and possibly therapy. We are hoping he catches back up on his own. He is very bright and understands everything, he just isn't very verbal. I have tried to keep myself from comparing him to hailey knowing that gender, birth order, and his sicknesses all play a part in why they are different but it is hard. Hailey was doing so much already and ahead of most kids her age...i have to stop myself from beating myself and being frustrated with it all.
Also, we have decided that grant has a milk intolerance, not a huge problem or a full blown allergy, but still something to be monitered. With some research i found out that ear infections, diarrhea, belly aches, ezcema all are signs of milk problems. He has had them all. So we have switched his formula to soy but we have the okay to start weaning him off it now that his weight is better. He gets soy milk and loves it!!! He still can have milk products but we limit them and try not to give him large amounts at a time. Also when he does get milk products i have been monitoring how he acts afterwards-how his excema looks and if he is crabby, gassy, loose stools, etc. The doctor says if it gets worse then we can give him a pill that helps him digest lactose better.
Our doctor says that normally he doesn't do an 18 month appointment but so that we can monitor his weight, speech, and milk intolerance we will have an appointment then. Tuesday we got shots done and grant did very well. He only wimpered and stopped crying quickly. I think he was a trooper.
Grant has been starting to become a big screamer. He has lungs that can rival any girl i have ever heard. I haven't figured out a way to get him to stop but my eardrums are really suffering. He loves to be outside(what kid doesn't)and push his lawn mower or play with sidewalk chalk(while eating it). I can't wait to get a slippy slide/pool and see his face. He loves to play his piano or any intrument.
He is like a tornado and runs through the house tearing up anything he can as quickly as he can. He never plays with one thing for very long. He prefers anything techie over toys. He loves the remote, computer, and especially the cell phone. He loves toys that are soft especially his blankie and stuffed monkeys. He throws a ball well and climbs as often as possible. He is starting to learn body parts and animals. At least how to point to them when i say what they are. He is my cuddle bug and loves his daddy so much screaming daddy as soon as he is home.
I. never. wanted. a. son. BUT HE. IS. THE. BEST. THING. IN. THE. WORLD!! On the day i found out he was in fact a boy i was disappointed for about 4 seconds then i realized he was still mine, all mine. Every day when i wake up i can't imagine anything else so perfect. My daughter tried to trade him in for a girl baby in the hospital nursery but i am so happy they wouldn't let her (; He makes everyday an adventure and has given me the daily exercise i need. He makes me laugh and smile everyday and shopping for him isn't that bad either.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nutrition 376- Hi everyone

Hi, nutrition class...this is my website that has me blabbing in a blabbery kind of way about all my daily nonsense. It barely makes sense at times and shows all my ways that can be a little crazy at times.

I have a bio on the right hand side of the page and other websites i run if you want to poke into my history a bit further...nothing interesting here except a web of family members that even i can't keep straight. I am hoping for you to stop by anytime and leave a comment. I only have 2 readers outside my close family so any advice would be much appreciated. I love adding pictures of my children and talking about my busy life that has me running around like a chicken.

I am only 26 hours from graduation and 6 of them i am taking this first summer session. One is our nutrition class, i am very excited about, and the other is a CIS class...not sure which one but it is advanced Excel and Access, not so excited about that one. I graduate in the spring with a degree in Management-emphasis on Human Resources. I previously have associate degrees in Accounting and Early Childhood Education...yes interesting combination.

I love to learn and have used all my schooling for various things just not much in the working world. I am a wife and mother first then a full-time student. I am quickly approaching 30..ouch...but really don't mind getting older. I feel much wiser now and not worried as much about what everyone else thinks of me. This is me and i lay it all on the line.

Hopefully we have a good time in this class and can make it fun and not so serious. I want to do well and learn a lot but not in a stuffy way like many online classes end up being. I look forward to reading all of your websites also. See you soon...

life is full of our everyday things

My day has been very full but productive. I got my van least on the inside. I vacuumed, washed the windows and shined up the leather. It looks pretty good. Didn't make it to the outside yet but hope i will have time tomorrow before the rain to at least get the bugs and dirt off it from soccer this week.

Grant seems to be doing better. His fever broke and his poopie seems back to normal. He is still drooling and chewing everything but his teeth have all broke through the skin so i assume he is better now. Grant has his appointment on Tuesday and i will be able to see if we can take him off the formula.

I am nervous about it because he is attached to the bottle but i know it is time to get rid of it and the formula...i don't want him to be one of THOSE kids and i worry about rotting out his teeth falling asleep with a bottle every night. Hailey was breatfed and she weaned easily at 10 months and i didn't have to worry about bottles she easily went to a cup...hmmm... He drinks out of a cup with his juice and soy milk so i just need to up those things while decreasing the formula...and more solid foods which he isn't liking very much but then again he has been sick. How are you supposed to get a routine when things are constantly changing???

Hailey has been having some problems as well at home and at school. She is doing very well on learning and reading and all that. BUT she has been starting to lie to her teachers and to isn't about anything important not that lying is ever good but it is about things she wouldn't even get in trouble about....I don't know what to do about it. We have tried being nice, we have tried punishments...nothing is working.

At least once a week she is getting in trouble at school for lying!! Today she lost tv, coloring, must finish cleaning her room, and has to write "i will not lie" 75 times. Last time we made her write it 50 times....Do you have any suggestions for me...i don't want to punish her i just want her to learn to do the right thing...lying is wrong! I have even tried showing her in the bible what Jesus says about lies...nothing is working. I am getting frustrated. What have you done to stop your kiddos from lying?? Should i spank her?? I don't feel like that is the answer..i don't like to spank but i am to my wits end...H-E-L-P!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Maniac Monday

Well today has been quite busy around here. Grant has been under the weather with a slight temperature, little bit of the poopies, and some major drool.

He has all of his teeth until he is about 6....but his eye teeth are only 1/2 way in. I am assuming it is those teeth that are causing most of the problems but i am not sure about the fever?? Hailey just got over a yucky little stomach bug that only lasted a couple of days so maybe that is it. Don't you wish we could just fix them up quickly. He is snoring on the couch next to is so sweet! Hopefully he will get over whatever it is very quickly.

I got signed up for my other class, so i am in two classes now!! I havent looked online but i assume the one started today! The other starts tomorrow night...i should be very busy again for the next five weeks.... I took the kids this morning with me to get my books..bad idea! Grant crabby and into everything! He is not as easy of a toddler as hailey. He is into everything!!! ALL BOY!!!

My loans hadn't went through for summer yet so i had to get a book loan and that took soooo long. It was like they have never done this before. I have never seen a college so unorganized. I miss the efficiency of Ivy Tech...yes i know they were smaller but everythign always went smoothly there. all that doen then went to eat and no changing table in the bathroom at Subway. I hate that. It is very hard to change a child standing up...i hope it was on all the way and not crooked or i might end up with poo leaking down his leg tonight.

Then we had to get food for the dinner with hailey's girl scouts troop tonight. I have less than an hour and haven't even started on it...and i haven't ironed on the last 50ish patched she has gotten....i better get off here and get moving!

P.S. mother's day was great for me..but my sister-in-law had a rough day. I don't want to go into details but my brother is a jerk and is treating her very badly. Pray for her safety and happiness and for her 4 kiddos to not see all of it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Schools over ....until tuesday (:

One more semester has bitten the dust. Unfortunately i don't have three months of blissful vacation time ahead like most other students...i have as of today 4 days...but the good news is i only have two summer classes for a five week span then i am done. I am taking an advanced Excel and Access class and a nutrition class(that i am really excited about). Then i have two months of summer with my family and kiddos.

I figure if i get these two classes finished now i won't have so much of a workload over the next year which is my last year of least for this degree..LOL!! It will give me the chance to only take a max of 10 credits for the next two semesters to graduate instead of having to go 12 or more....i am thankful for that. I am looking forward to days of sleeping in with my kiddos, playing noutside till dusk, and visiting all our local kid friendly summer fun places.

BUT most of all i am looking forward to FLORIDA!!! We haven't been in five long long years....hailey was the same age as grant will be this summer. We are interested in seeing how he reacts differently from her. I am so thankful we have the camcorder to capture all these moments. We had one when hailey went to florida with us last time but after that it broke..and we just got another one last summer...i am thrilled can't you tell!! I need a week of relaxing and in general (: and most of all 100% family time...just us!! I am tolerating the next five weeks of school because i know that vacation is immediately can't come soon enough!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Hailey...we don't even need words to describe her...

My son- almost 15 months we needed new pics!

He is such a handsome man and has grown so fast over the past three months.
I can't wait until his apt. to see exactly how much.
He has went from 9-12 month clothes to not fitting in most 18 month clothes
in less than 3 months...i am in awe and so is my wallet (; I love his very high pitched girlie scream, i love his eagerness to please and help with laundry, i love his curiosity and abillity to climb or find a way to get into trouble everywhere he goes. I love how he carries a baby around the house and loves on it. I love how he signs more when he wants something. I love how he says mama, dada, baby, dog.....i just love everything about him!

Soccer and Easter pics

Kicking the ball...G -O Hailey
She is really starting to get into this.

Our family pic 2009

Daddy and hailey

Daddy and grant

I am loving all these pictures. Hailey is loving soccer and i love the fact that she is getting so much exercise and enjoyment from it.
Easter was so amazing. I looked back at pictures from last Easter, right after Grant was born, and i am so happy to know how much our family is growing. I am so happy to have my husband, son, and daughter. They are all very important to me and brighten my day.

A nice Easter surprise

On Easter we noticed that some birds had finally laid their first egg in a tree close to our backdoor...on a very low branch. I explained the miracle of life to my six year old...and finally this week the babies were born...four little bundles of fuzz...we get to watch the mommy feed them worms and bugs every day from our is really awesome!! Just wanted to give you a quick peek into the little miracles going on at our house!