Thursday, July 30, 2009

Try living with one arm-it sucks!

I am still in a hard cast for another couple of weeks and i am starting to go stir crazy. I hate it. I feel helpless. I can't iron, can't do dishes, can't give kids a bath, can't pick kids up, can't push stroller, can't fix my hair, can't braid hailey's hair or put a ponytail in, can't shave my legs, can't paint my toes, can't use a can opener, can't lift anything over 5 pounds, can't write well, and many many more than that. All of those daily tasks we take for granted are borderline impossible for me.

I have been using my left arm more and more but it hurts 24-7 from using so much when it isn't used to it. Then they have me doing exercises 2 times a day on my right hand. Some of the exercises are ok but the others hurt like hell. They had me stop one of them cause of pain and left me in this cast longer to make sure my arm is healed. I have a feelign they didnt fix it. I am a little freaked out that it is worse than ever.

I go back on the 10th and get my semi-soft brace and i guess we will see how i am doing then. She said she is hoping only one more appointment after that but i am thinking it will be more since i am still having so many problems.

What sucks even more is the fact that my hubby is out of town and i am doing all of this myself. Try to do all of your daily taks with just one is exausting. I am trying to look at the bright side but it is hard to see right now...i am not happy how long it has taken and still is taking to recover. I was never told about this. I am frustrated with my surgeon for not giving me the rundown on the fact i woud even be in therapy and the recovery time...very frustrated. I am praying it is going to get better and i can forget all this pain and enjoy the daily life tasks without having to think about if tey will hurt or not.

Allergy Testing and speech therapy

Today we went to the dreaded alergist but Grant didn't know what he was about to dread. We discussed his file and problems and decided he needed to have all environmental allergies tested, all main foods and a small amount of other foods that might be problematic. It was slightly traumatic seing him get so many sticks. It was around 24 total pricks..give or take a couple! Covering his whole back and both arms. Hailey wanted to stay in the room and once they got to the individual pricks on one arm she was very upset. Probably worse that Grant was taking it.

The doctor said he might be lactose intolerant but he isn't old enough for the test yet. It is normally done on older people who can drink the fluid/meds then after 4 hours they blow and it can tell results. They said to keep him on soy because he has a strong likelyhood of having an intolerance and to give him lactaid pills ground up. If he takes the pills everytime he has lactose it will help him digest the lactose properly and keep him more comfortable.

In the end he didn't have any food allergies, thank God!! BUT he does have environmental allergies. The big one DUST. We are supposed to change his sheets often and wash stuffed animals and blankets very frequently. Also he have to get a HEPA air filter thingy for his room and keep his door shut. The obviously clean/vacuum/dust the house and try to keep dust to a minimum. He said all houses have dust so it has nothing to do with if our house is dirty or not. Cats are also a big problem. Luckily his dad is allergic also so we aren't arround cats often but we have some family with cats that we need to try to avoid if possible. But if we go visit we got a prescription that will help him tolerate the environment better. In addition he is allergic to cockroaches(gross) and mice. SO they said to keep our shoes off in the house because when you walk around outside you can get these allergens on your shoes. Ewww even grosser yet!

So that was interesting and told me what i wanted. I am happy he doesn't have food allergies and i can keep feeding him whatever he wants(within a healthy guideline). Also i am happy to know he can take the lactose pills and drink milk without any problems. I am going to look in to the lactose problem more and do some research but i think i am happy with the results overall.

Yesterday we had our appointment with first steps and set up his IFSAP and found some developmental specialists that specialize in speech delays. We are waiting for them to call us back with the one that is picked but they all seemed well qualified to help push him along. We had him tested earlier this month because he was lagging behind is his speech skills compared to what most kids his age are doing. Sure enough when they came to do the assessment he was actually behind in two areas both speech and social skills. The social skills are behind mainly because a component of it is speech. We set up his long term and short term goals and i am really excited to get started. They said his cognitive ability and ability to understand what is going on is above average. I am hoping that will work to his advantage and push him along.

They gave us a list of things kids to at certain ages and he has a few in the 7-12 mth category he hasnt met like his lack of jabbering and running vowels/consonants together. But most of his shortcomings are in the 12-24 month area. Some goals include getting him to imitate sounds, animals noises, etc. and get a vocabuary of 10-25 words for now. If he reaches these goals quickly we will advance him and try to get him caught up to his age range. If he hasnt caught up then in one year he will be reevaluated for eligibility and seee if he still needs therapy. I am very excited for him to get help and start talking up a storm. He is such a bright child i want him to be ready for preschool and talking like his sister did....well he doesn't have to talk quite that much..he-he! I will kee you updated on his progress.

Daddy's gone

Jason just started a new job at Abengoa Bioenergy at the beginning of the month. They have plants in the US and internationally. Well the first couple of weeks he trained locally and then on the 25th he got to fly to Nebraska...what is in nebraska you say??? I have no clue...anyone know what is in Nebraska?? Well if u are there, say hi to my hubby. He has been gone for 6 days and it feels like 36. Only 7 more to go. I kinda thought it would be nice getting a break and watching MY shows on tv, and doing whatever i wanted. BUT i was very wrong. I just miss him! I miss him waking me up every morning as he got ready for work(he is so loud), i miss the kids missing him all day, i REALLY, REALLY miss his cookin, i miss him cuddlin me, i JUST MISS HIM!!

Hailey misses her daddy also. She didn't think she would miss him. She said it would be nice to have him gone so he wouldn't worry about he and wouldn't be here to yell at her. Then he told her right before he left that he always worries about her and when he is gone he will worry even more. So right after he left she tells me that she is missing him alot and is really worried about how he is doing since he worries so much about her. It was very sweet!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

DeQuervein Release Surgery

When i was in the hospital giving birth to Grant they had a hard time getting my IV in. In my left arm they messed up twice and blew two veins. Then a nurse tried my right wrist and blew it very badly. It swelled up instantly and had me in tears. I told her something was wrong but it took forever before she finally agreed and apologized. Someone else put an IV by my elbow and it worked, barely. Afterwards my arm turned black n blue forever and i couldnt use it very well. I assumed after a couple of weeks that it would get better but unfortunately it didn't and at my 6 week check-up i was sent to physical therapy.

My arm was so painful that i could barely change diapers or rock Grant Using the arm for anything weight bearing was almost unbearable. It was horrible and after phyical therapy they gave me a huge brace but i couldn't feed Grant or barely move my arm for months making it impossible with an infant. It only got worse as time went on. At physical therapy they said it was from using my thumb too much for cutting and things...what???? I tried telling them what happened and still try to explain it but mainly i get looks of disbelief like i am lying!! Luckily my doctor has always been very supportive and finally sent me to a surgeon this spring after we met our full deductible. The surgeon said the surgery was imperitive because of some of the nerve problems, damage, and pain i have been experiencing. Over the month or so before the surgery it seemed to be getting better and little pain was happening unless i used it frequently.

I am in so much pain now after the surgery i sometimes think maybe i should have lived with it the way it was. I was thinking thesurgery would be horrible and it was nothing of the was very easy and less painful than expected. BUT the recovery time, the brace, the physical therapy is more than i ever expected. I have little movement of my thumb. I am not supposed to move it for at least three weeks. The brace makes it hard if not imposible to do even the easiest of tasks. Ponytails for hailey, diapers for grant, folding towels. I can't even take my kids swimming for probably the rest of the summer cause my arm can not get wet. I feel misinformed and very upset. No one told me of the recovery time...i guess i should have asked.

In my head i thought i would be sore until the day or two after and then back to normal...this is so unexpected. Will i even get all of my movement back??? I am freaking out about starting school in August. I can't write at the moment. I have to be able to take notes in the fall...i can't go to school without full mobility of my arm and hand....i am tired....i am so tired...i just wantto be able to do all the things i could do 2 weeks ago..i have to much to do to take all this time away...who is going to clean my house, wash my dishes, laundry, iron, weed the garden....and the list goes on..for gosh sakes i can barely get the kids buckled in the car or take a shower.

I hate to be a downer but i am truly exausted and just don't know how much more of t his i can handle. I hate when i can't be independent..especailly when i have two kids who depend on me for their every need!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What can i do??

Why am i so angry daughter is making me so upset that i am very, very close to spanking her and i HATE to spank. She is turning into THAT child. She is constantly, continuously, everlastingly bothering her brother just to make him scream at an annoying, earpiercing, blow your ears out level. She doesn't listen ever. I am up to my knee with her crap. She is ungrateful and spoiled and it is all my fault. I can't figure out what to do to make her listen and understand that what she is doing is wrong. I am at my witts end. I don'tknow any more techniques to teach her to do what is right to listen. She is starting to become sassy and talk back more frequently.

I am over the moon that my mom is coming to get her at any moment so i don't stick my foot up her rear.

I. am. exausted. and. stressed. beyond. what. i. can. handle.

I had wrote this the other day and just couldn't bring myself to finish it. Luckily she spent the weekend at my mom's and came back refreshed. She has been at Vacation Bible School the past two days and it has completely changed her (for the moment). She is a doll today. She has been learning about Rome and all the riches they had back then and all the things they didn't have. She has been learning about being helpful and doing things that are nice just to do it. She has been great. It has kept a smile on my face all day.

Sometimes when we are going through a bad day you think it has been like that forever but then things get good again and we realize it just feels like it. I have just been so busy that i have been letting her run the roost and she has gotten to think she can take charge. BUT i am trying to be more assertive with discipline and also spend more quality time with her. I think i am part of the busy schedule...but i am going to try and do better to teach her how a six year old or anyone for that matter should behave!

I love my daughter during the good times and the bad. Sometimes we just have to wait for the rough patch to clear and pass before seeing just how great things can be. This is the part of my daughter i want to see more often. The one who is good, helpful, and kind.....she is such a blessing! I am happy i got a chance to post this with both sides of the story..not just me being angry but also showing her true side, her good side!

Don't we all have good and bad days??