I am excited to be turning 30. Not because of the grey hairs or saggy boobs..but for my experiences. If i was 20 again i would be young and stupid...real stupid! and 40 just sounds OLD! But thirty seems just right!
My family is doing well. I graduate from college this year...maybe 8 years to late..but neverless i am almost finished. I am sooo much smarter than i was 10 years ago. I never knew what great things would happen to me. I have spent a HUGE portion of the past ten years at home with my kiddos. That makes me feel OLD. I picked and married my sweetheart and we have been together 10 years at the end of the month and married for 2 1/2.
We have two children who make my days very bright...except today since school was canceled. They are very crazy and full of energy making me want to pull out all my hair...maybe just all the greys.
I look forward to the next 10 years. I look forward to getting a job and helping my husband save for our family and future. I can't wait to see what awesome family vacations we can plan and how many of them our kids groan about. My son will be almost 12 and my daughter 17 when i turn gulp...40..and i can only hope we decide to have another and i can say he/she will be maybe 9-10 by then...or it will be just the four of us and i will be happy with that..i guess!
I am hoping to spend more time in church, volunteering, cooking, and spending time with my family. I hope to get really good at taking pics and learn Photoshop so i can make some extra money on the side and maybe one day make it a career!
I am hoping we can get a new(er) house in Newburgh sooner than later. Room for all of us and our extended family. I want to have all our social occassions at our house and have room to move around and enjoy it! I want to get my kids in a school district that will push them and know they are getting the best education possible. I hope in the next 10 years i will go back and complete my masters degree and take my PHR exam.
I also hope that soon i start paying closer attention to my weight and get down to a healthier size. I would love to be in a 12?-14? someday again. But my current goal is to lose 50 this year...we will see how that goes. I would like to get back down to what i weighed when i got married and then continue to lose after that. I want to be healthier in my thirties than i have been in my 20's!
I want to be a more attentive wife and mother...focus on how i can make them happy Not as much on what makes me happy...knowing i am pleasing them should make me happier (:
I want to be a better housewife. I think staying home all these years has made me slack off alot. I don't clean my house like i used to...i pick up all the time but don't get deep cleaning done very often and i really need to get back in the swing of things.
Overall i want to be a more productive person who lets people know just how much i care about them. I want to be there to support my family and friends and also to be more positive about myself. I am much more confident now than i have been in the past but i have a long way to go.
Here is to my fabulous 20's and looking forward to an even better 30's....
Happy 3 0 to me!!!