Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tomorrow is my baby's 1/2 year Birthday!!!

Grant Lee Steele

My baby is growing up and it is so sad but exciting all at the same time. Almost six months ago i was giving birth to a beautiful 6 lb. 11oz. bouncing baby boy and now he is a healthy 16 lb. 12oz. rolling, giggling ball of fire! I am amazed at how God has given me such blessings and such wonderful, healthy children. Grant's weight and height are both in the 25%-50% but his head is at the 95%..I am guessing that means he is very smart (: He has stayed pretty consistent and hasn't had any major problems since birth. He hasn't even had a cold yet..knock on wood!

He has two teeth, has been drolling like crazy and chomping on everything. I wasn't sure any more were coming in until this afternoon when i looked and noticed the white spots of two-three top teeth that are about to pop through the skin. That would solve the problem he has been having with sleeping through the night, extra crabbiness, and the drooling and chomping on everything in sight! Hailey didn't have anything but her two bottom teeth until almost 9 he is on the ball with the teeth thing!

He still has a slight recessed jaw but the doctor sayd he is eating well and doesn't think it is affecting him in any way. He also has some dry patches(on his feet and back) that he has had since birth and the doctor says it is probably eczema but they aren't bad enough to need any hydracortisone cream just keep lotion on them unless they start cracking and bleeding. His heart, hips, ect. all looked good. He is rolling over both ways and starting to make his rolls to whatever toy he wants but he prefers to be in his excersaucer. He loves that thing and can play in it for hours. Hailey was the same way they like to be entertained 24-7!

His little peepee looks good also. Still lopsided since one side has already peeled back but he said as soon as he starts getting more erections the legions will all pull away and he will be normal looking again. It was funny because the doctor said when evaluating him he has so much skin/pudge that he looks have to really draw back the skin to see his dingy...i thought that was funny! Maybe he will be blessed in the croch area also! heheheeh....

I am so thankful everyday for the time i am given with them. In this day and age it is harder to find stay at home moms and i am blessed to be one of them. I loved staying home with Hailey for the past 5 years and hope to have the opportunity to stay home for a couple more with Grant and any other baby we might have (: I see how much parents miss when they have to go to work. Sure they have an extra paycheck but those first's i just couldn't miss! Being in school(at night)i miss so many things just like if i was working ..i am so happy that it will be over next year so i can have that time with my chilren also. I wasn't so sure about a boy i thought i would be happier with all girl's but i would never give up this experience f0r the world. He is such a happy baby and keeps me giggling. Many days i just wish we would have had another one sooner! Hailey is so good with him but their ages are so far apat they won't have much in common. By the time he is in kindergarten she will be in 5th, when he is in 4th grade she will be in high school, and when he is in junior high she will start college, ect....they are in two different worlds.

I just hope hailey, jason, and I are good role models. That we show him the way of the Lord and how to be a good person in every way. I think we do the best we can but there is always room for improvement. I hope that he grows up to be a strong man, but not a bully. That he can cry in public but not be a sissy. That he appreciates his life and those of others by respecting himself, other people, and nature. I hope he will avoid drugs and alchohol and never do some of the dumb things his father and i did! Luckily we learned from our mistakes but they could have cost us alot! I hope he is a hard worker and goes to college(or at least makes something of himself) but i prefer for him to go to college first then he can do whatever he wants within reason. I hope we can pay for his first car and college. I hope he is spoiled and needs for nothing but is not rotten and unthankful for what he has. I hope he gives back to others and volunteers his time as we do. But overall i want him to be happy and healthy!!!

Grant Lee Steele-6 months old

I love you Grant and can't wait to see the man you become. Thank you for picking me as your mommy and thank you God for giving me my son and letting me have him for as long as you allow! Here is a poem i found when pregnant that sums it all up:

Baby's Choice
"Did you ever think, dear mother, as the seeds of me you sowed,
As you breathed new life inside of me,and slowly watched me grow,
In all your dreams about me, when you planned me out so well,
When you couldn't wait to have me there, inside your heart to dwell,
Did you ever think that maybe, I was planning for you, too,
And choosing for my very own a mother just like you,
A mother who smelled sweet and whose hands so creamy white,
A tender loving creature who would soothe me in the night?
Did you ever think in all those days while you were coming due,
That as you planned a life for me I sought a life with you?
And now as i lay in your arms, I wonder if you knew,
While you were busy making me, I was choosing you!"

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