Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Life is crazy!! I dont think i can say that enough. I just can't get motivated for my classes this semester. I am drained..i am so overwhelmed i can't even enjoy the classes. I just do it and never think about it again! I am not learning anything just breezing by! I wont do this to me or my family is so exausting for us all! Jason is tired from working then having them 4 nights a week and i am tired from working and the 5 classes with the kids all day! uggg...i am still counting down the weeks until it is over! I need to get back to reading Hamlet..which i am is interesting but i cant concentrate with the kiddos here and we havent been feeling well this week. We have had sore throats and headaches....allergies/cold...i dont know which..maybe both!

My son is saying dada and is adorable. He only says mama when he is sad or crying but he says dada all day long. I cant get the mama on video. But I have dada on video and it is so precious! I will add it soon! Also he is standing up everywhere...we had to lower his crib over the weekend so he wont fall out! Also he gets into a sitting position from crawling which he couldnt do until recently. So many advancements.

Hailey is getting a ribbon for making the Vogel Olympics team(a running program in her PE class) They even have a slideshow of the kids. Unfortunately, it is the same day as her Adnoid/Tubes surgery! She will still get the ribbon but will miss the program. I am tempted to move her surgery back ..she is going to miss so many things with it being close to halloween!! I am going to call Jason and see what he thinks!

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