Thursday, October 16, 2008

National Debates

Wow how lucky was i to see the debates last night. I knew who i wanted to vote for but i had one small hang-up that was making it hard for me. ABORTION. I am a huge PRO-LIFE advocate. I don't believe in abortion for any reason, no exceptions!!! My husband, and most of you out there disagree with me and i accept that and i won't try to make you understand my choice. I believe God gives us life for a reason and we shouldn't have the option of taking that life away even if it puts our own life in jeopardy.
Maybe if i was in a life altering decision i would change my mind but i doubt it. I told my husband the same thing when i was pregnant with both of my children. If we have complications save them first..they have their whole life ahead of them. When you have an abortion you are killing a child of God! It is murder!! I have heard all the sides and understand why some might want to abort, rapes or developmental problems...but it is still your baby. I think that if you want to give up your child once born that is your right..but never giving them a chance is not an option.
I love OBAMA, i love his radical ideas on how to change our country. I think he is the fresh face that can move us away from poor past decisions and into a new time of prosperity. He cares for the children of the country but he is pro-choice. That makes it hard for me to vote for him. I hate most everything McCain stands for EXCEPT he is pro-life and proud of it! I love that he has stood up for his beliefs!! I know our country can do better than their current practices but they are better than most countries. Do you know in China they have 600 abortions for every 1000 live births compared to our 26ish to every 1000 live births!! What a difference! We have to be doing something right to have our numbers so low. But i think it should be non existent!! I understand that some people will go and do it anyways but i don' think the law should justify it. It is similar to drug abuse..millions of people do it but you don't make it legal just because it is common!
Obama made me feel more comfortable after the debate because he justified his actions. He said he didn't vote down the laws concerning babies born alive after abortions but that a law was already enacted in illinois to cover those it wasnt needed. He also said he tried to pass the other anti-abortion laws but wanted a clause in it about if a mothers life was in danger she could still the right to an abortion, they wouldn't change the law. I understand that it is a step in a right direction. It is better than no law. He said he does agree with roe v wade which is hard for me but overall he still has wonderful ethics and wants to do what is right for a parent and child. His stance is more the greatest good(for women) and mine is more if it saves one (child's)life it is worth the ban. It made me more comfortable with the issue. I know that i have to pick the best president from all his qualifications not just one. He has the best policy for the middle class and the best option for children and families. It isn't 100% my way but it is the best thati can hope for!


Anonymous said...

I really hope you vote for Obama. Even if you vote for some one who is pro life the chance of Roe vs Wade being overturned are slim at best. So vote for the person who is best for our country and in my opinion that is Obama. I am pro choice but I myself could never have an abortion. I say that not knowing for sure. I could not imagine being raped by my brother or father or any man for that matter and becoming pregnant. Everyday having to relive that experience would be torture. So I guess I can never say never. What would happen if you got pregnant and the doctor said if you carry this baby you will 100% die? Would you really leave Hailey and Grant without a mom? I am not judging you or your beliefs but I can't imagine you making that choice. The key word there is choice:) I love you and don't hate me for expressing my feelings. That is why they say never talk politics or religion. We are going to have our first family picture taken tomorrow. I hope they turn out good.

Erin Steele said...

I am open to everyone having their own opinion. I never judge. I thinkit is good everyone has strong beleifs. Now that i have kids i couldn't imagine leaving them without a mom but i have never been in the situation so it is hard to say. BUT my first thought is yes if i knew the baby would live! Life starts at conception and i think all children come before ourselves. I would save any of my children ovr myself anytime. Most people i know including my husband are more pro-choice than life...i on the other hand have always been pro-life! I just can't say that i accept it. I don't push it in anyone's face or tell people i think they are horrible but i don't think it is right. I think God will decide what to do with you for the decisions you has to be right for you! And yes i am voting for OBAMA 100%!!!