Monday, November 17, 2008

Busy Schedule-Hailey sports and activities

I am sure that everyone has a crazy schedule and mine is no different. Life is crazy enough with Hailey in school(we take and pick her up) and my daycare and school schedule. We never had Hailey in any organized activities other than library time and zoo camp...until now. When she started Kindergarten this Fall we knew it was time for her to get out and try some new things. We signed her up for Daisy's(Girl Scouts) which just started this month. Also she just signed up over the weekend for Cheerleading through a local church.

The church has what is called Upward cheerleading. Upward emphasizes character and integrity instead of a “win at all costs” mentality associated with today’s sports world. Check it out at It is for kids from Kindergarten through 6th grade! I am so happy to have heard about it. The kids also hear a devotional every week and be given the opportunity to learn scripture verses. It is exactly what i wanted hailey to get the opportuntiy to do.

I want her in activities that are going to teach her character and respect. I hope that both of the activities she is currently involved in will foster growth and a challenge for her. It is going to keep us busy with practices and outings but that is what life is all about. What fun is t to sit at home and never experience life. I want her to try out different sports and activities until she finds the ones that she loves the most then she can stick with them.

Upward has numerous other sports that they offer throughout the year so as soon as she is done with cheer then we are going to try something different. We already decided that tee ball is coming up in February-March so that will probably we next, then soccer will be around summer. She should stay active this year.

I am amazed at how much she has thinned out since the start of school and her being able to run in gym! I love it!! She even won a metal for meeting the qualifications for their olympics program. Then she also has entered into something called Reflections, a contest where hse has to make a work of art all about the theme of the year. This year it is "Wow"..i am excited since this is right up her alley. She is my little artist!! It is due Dec. 17th then shortly afte they will announce the winners who will go on to the state competition!

We have Daisy's(Girl Scouts) twice a month, then cheer practice 1 day a week until January then 1 practice a week and 1 game every saturday unti l March.

Some of the upcoming activities/programs:
Nov.18 PTA meeting & Dinner...Grant Dr. Apt. and maybe shots??
Nov.20 Grandparent's day at school
Nov.23, Holiday Parade, Evansville, all Daisy's(girlscouts, ect),
Nov.24 Daisy's meeting
Nov.26 Limo Lunch(She, mom and dad, sold over $250 for school fundraiser)
Thanksgiving and my class reunion
Dec.1 Follow up surgery apt. for hailey's tubes/adnoids
Week of Dec.1 Cheer practices start(weekly)
Dec.6 Pump it up Bday Party friends kids
Dec.7 Church Christmas musical
Dec.8 Hailey's School musical/play(she's in it)
....and the rest is to be continued....i can't imagine what it will be like when both kids are in sports and activites...we are going to be running somewhere every night! The things we do for our kids!! I love you mom!!

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