This will probably be my last post for a couple of weeks. We are heading out of town and going North......i am unsure why we picked somewhere colder, it was -17 where we are going with lots of snow, what happened to Christmas in Florida!! Uggg...but family is important and we don't have enough time to enjoy being with them so this is a much needed trip. It will be nice to have a family trip to relax and enjoy each other. We have a big christmas party planned with all my aunts, uncles and cousins! I am very excited.only once every 4 years or so do i get to come up for the winter festivities. My husband hasn't been up there with my for over 6 years..maybe longer! Unfortunately it seems like my latest visits have all been somber and deaths in the family. We all hate to visit for those reasons. My kids are ready for some sledding and ice fishing as am I. My hubby is wanting to go hunting but it seems liek a hunting license is about $ he might have to skip that!
We are rounding up the gear and starting to pack today and it is amazing how much stuff we actually need for four people for up to 10 days is sub-arctic weather!! Especially with a baby..pack-n-play, highchair, formula, diapers, wipes, gear, toys...then again a six year old diva isn't much better! Luckily we are taking the 300 with heated seats...ahhhhh!!! And one of our christmas gifts included a portable DVD player that we have been begging for, that should make the 10 hour(in good weather) trip go a little smoother! We had lots of freezing rain, snow/rain mix today but it is supposed to be in the 40's the next couple of days so hopefully we have a safe trip and it doesn't take forever to get there.
Today i had to drive and it wasn't fun. Hailey has her 6 year molars comign in and i was worried it had an absest but luckily it is fine. It is about to erupt to it is sore and she has numerous canker sores/legions around the area. She has been very sick lately so that could be the cause or she said many kids get these when they have teeth coming in. she told us for the next three days to keep her on Motrin, to reduce swelling and gave us a mouth rinse called peroxyl that is more kid friendly(tastier) so her mouth can heal faster. We were very concerned that this would be something yucky and then we would be out of town for the holidays and she would have to see some strange dentist...she just starting liking our new one i dont want he to be scared anymore. So we are lucky it isn't much. She seems to be doing well just has some pain when eating and things like that.
---Another note totally off the subject. I got my 3.0 this semester..woohoo!!! FIVE CLASSES and two kids and i still did it. I am so proud of myself..pat on the back!! I was really concerned because it was a very hard semester(fall seems to be harder with so many holidays) and with the kids doing so much and having all the sicknesses this year but it all worked out! Now i am on to a relaxing break with no worries until school starts back up in the middle of January.
Also update: my litle nephew Brady will be making his arrival known in January most likely within the first couple of weeks. His momma has had gestational diabetes and he is measuring big(she has a small frame but has delivered three already) so they will do an ultrasound and see how he is doign and see if they want to get the ball rolling! They better not even think about it while i am out of town. I have been outside the door for my other neice's and nephew's and i am not missing one now. I will be driving back from our trip early! So baby Brady just hold out for a couple of more weeks..around the 14th of January is great for me..he-he..and your momma would like a little bit longer to prepare!~Pray for their health and a safe delivery!
Merry Christmas everyone and have a joyful holiday season! Hope God blessed you all!
Love Always,
The Steele Family
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