I saw this picture on my families website and they couldn't think of who the children could be. As soon as i saw it i knew it had to be me, so i had them email it to me. I (think i) was the little girl at the very bottom of the picture with the blonde pigtails and white/blue plaid shirt. It looks identical to other baby pics of me. If anyone has any more info on this picture or knows who the other children are please email me. I was so happy to have this. I have been researching my geneology and every little bit of our past is so precious. I am so grateful to have this picture. I hope you enjoy a bit of my past as much a i do. I will try and get some of my old family pics and post them. I haven't made any of them digital but i would love to so i could post them. Maybe that will be my next project...
Yep that is you. The other kids are Eric Lasse. Rick and Cecil's son. Then the other kids are Chantel Amber, and the girls face you can't see is Crystal. They are your mom and my Aunt Rita's kids. There are several pictures of you and B.J. at grandma Hazel's house. I copied all of them from the pictures I got from our Aunt Cecil. I am either going to bring all the stuff down when I come or I will be mailing everything to your mom so you will get copies of everything.
That is awesome. I am so excited to see all of the pics!
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