Monday, September 28, 2009

Where have you been??

I have been right here watching the rest of the blog world update their status while taking on my own tasks. It has been busy, maybe not busy enough not to blog for a second since i haven't missed reading others blogs for more than two days at a time, but busy none the less.

I am in school full-time still and we have a new-er puppy biscuit who is 10 wks we have actually had him for almosty 4 wks, and hailey is in school and girl scouts and i am still volunteering at church...and in a study group to get ready for my PHR exam for Human resources...and, and, and the list will go on.

Fall is always busy around the house but it seems this year it has been even more so. Grant is at that age of constant need...he is in to everything and loves to tear everything apart. Especially electronics....all of them in sucession. He is also vetoing nap times oor pushing them back and it is messing up my normal sit down and relax time.

Then the dog is still puppy training so he must go out every couple of hours...and eat..and walk...and puppy stuff! So it hasn't left me much me time to do much of anything. And then times like now i let him have freedom from the kitchen and he poops on the living room carpet twice...ewwwww....right as i get writing.

I have gotten most of my winter clothes shopping favorite thing to do! Hailey is good except for some dress shoes and her christmas outfit. Grant seems fine but he is so much smaller than i expected i have had to buy smaller sizes since most of my outfits were around a 2T that i bought last season...i just got him some 12-18 mth pants from gymboree and they about fall off. So i might even have to get even smaller ones....little bugger better start growing. He is doing well in speech therapy. Slow progress but it is happening. He is becoming more verbal every day and is starting to experiment with more sounds all the time. My goal is that by christmas he start saying real words other than mom, dad, puppy and papa...we will see!

Also if my life wasn't chaotic enough i might have talked my hubby into having a third and final baby. I have been very depressed over the past 6 months or so about being finished after having Grant...and i had this deep longing for a third child. I have always wanted a big family. Friday night my mom kept both kids for the first time ever and Jason and i had a perfect night out. We truly enjoyed our night and got to have some very good conversation.

He said that he would think about having another if it would make me happy...we decided that if we do try it will be ASAP. For many reasons but first is the fact that i want to go to work in the fall next year and looking for a job pregnant is a little difficult. Also Grant is still young so we have all the supplies and baby things already here so we wont have to buy much. In addition, we are not getting any younger. We want our kids grown and out of the house (we hope) in the next 20ish years so we can retire. If we wait much longer that is impossible to plan for.

So i am going to make an appointment in the next couple of weeks to get my IUD taken out then i will talk to Jason one more time and decide if we are going to definitely try again. I am hoping so....very much! How awesome would it be for Grant to have a little brother he can hang with...or a darling little sister i can dress up and dote on...a the dreams. I have been in heaven since he mentioned the possibility.

I have been doing alot more volunteer work through our church and have joined our local SHRM group and USI chapter at school. I have also talked to our church preschool about filing in for a maternity leave next spring two mornings a week for the full semester. It would be a little extra money and something else to add to the resume. Also i have taken on the job as coordinator for meals for moms for new moms in our church. I got a meal right after grant was born and it was such a blessing and i felt appreciated and loved to know they thought of my family. To pass on this to other new moms is a really cool thing. I am hoping to expand the program and maybe add some sort of gift basket or something for them...but i have to be ceative because we don't have a church fund or anythign for this it is strictly donations. Currently we have a group that gives up a mothers love book and a personally knitted baby hat. I am very excited about starting these new experiences.

Hailey is doing well also. Tonight is her first night of Daisy's(Girl scouts) for this year. I am hoping she enjoys it since it will be an all new leader. First grade has been good for her. She has started having weekly spelling test and she has gotten A+ on all of them. I am very proud of her. She doesn't fight me about doing her homework and seems to enjoy school. Her teacher said she is a great student but she needs to focus more sometimes. ....i wonder where she gets that....must take after her mother. She is always hungry and i haven't figured out where it all goes cause she is still skinny! She is a fasion diva and doesnt really like getting dirty. Just today she asked if she could take her lunch on pizza day. I asked her why cause i knew she liked their pizza. She told me that she always got it on her and she didn't want everyone to see her all messy for the day. haha....

Other than that just the same ole thing. Trying to get the house cleaned up and ready to sell. So much more to do before the spring and i just don't see it all getting done. We are just to busy. Then again isn't everyone busy!! I am having a hard time just keeping up with the laundry, dishes, and cleaning...nothing else has been getting done, especially my blog!

I will try to get back into a groove and start posting pics soon. My arm has been doing better. Still not 100% and hurts some still when lifting anything over a couple fo pounds but it isn't excruciating anymore and that is what is important. So hopefully i will pick up the camera more and start getting some pics of the kids. I also told some friends that i would take some pics of their kids to get my portfolio started. We will see....i also got photoshop CS2 but haven't even installed it yet. We just got our desktop computer back from devirusing that a word?? i am hoping to put it on soon and start getting to use it. I hear that the editing is the best way to make any picture great. I think my pics are ok but if i had that i bet they could be great...all in time.

So be patient. I will return. But i can't guarantee how long it will be. I keep telling myslef every week or every couple of weeks i will post but then i get side tracked. I will try to stay on task and post more frequently. Everyone have a good day. You never know next time i write...i could have News!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We have a new addition to our family


He is a puggle and only seven weeks old. He is so sweet and a true lap dog. He is everything i wanted when i asked for a dog. We have been very blessed. He came to us potty trained(only rare accidents), sleeps alot, and loves to cuddle. His vet says he is healthy and he looks like it with his cute little round belly.

The kids love him and let him kiss all over them. He was named by Hailey after the first reader books about a puppy nasmed Biscuit! Her favorite series.
He currently sleeps in the kitchen but we hope after he grows up and learns some more manners he will sleep with us. He is a chewer like most puppies so we have lots of toys but must really keep an eye out for him when he is running the house. He still sleeps alot(sometimes 3-4 hrs at a time) but loves to get out and go for walks or runs!
It is helping me get active also which is always a good thing.
I really miss running.

He sometimes is a nibbler but has been getting better. We are going to attempt our first bath later today. We will see how that goes. I haven't been posting lately with so much going on. Having a new puppy is like having a newborn all over again. And Hailey and me have started back to school so it is early rising and late to bed. Lots of stuff to fill our day with. Hopefully i will have some new posts soon...especially with so many things coming up and the last couple of months of this year come along.
It is flying by sooo fast!