Well the dreaded day has came and gone with only minor problems. She survived and so did i! I am usually the crying type but it wasn't very hard to let her go to school..then again she didn't freak out which helped alot! She has came home the past two days very content and almost nonchalant. Her teacher is great and seems so sweet. Hopefully she is as good of a teacher as she seems like she can be.
I finally figured out how the lunch money thing works...the web site says you can pay online but once i got my account set up it didn't work so i ended up calling and talking to the cafeteria staff and they won't have it set up until October..which sucks. I hate giving her money to take to school. I guess i can just pay up a couple of months at a time and not have to worry about it so frequently. I bought her a lunch box and thought i would have her bring her lunch occassionally but for as cheap as lunch is (only $1.50 per day)we won't do it very often. Hailey will probably eat the lunch offered by the school than the stuff i would pack. At zoo camp i spent a fortune getting her 100% juice, fresh fuit, crackers, a sandwich and a snack...and many days she would barely eat anything! It would be wasted and thrown away...i would much rather her eat at school less work for me..that is alwasy a good thing!
School clothes..they don't have any regulations. I expected a full list of dont's and there arent any. She can wear flip-flops or anything else for that matter. Luckily i asked and found out the days she has gym so i can put t-shoes on her. I guess so many things i think are important really are not. Also, what happened to sports in elementary school? I can't find anything about them on their site...is it only for the older kids? I was hoping she could play something this year but it doesn't look like there is anything for her to play! Maybe they never had kindergarten sports but i know i played volleyball in elementary school. The site hasn't been updated either. Her teacher's email isn't on the site anywhere she isn't even listed under the kindergarten teachers. I guess they haven't updated it at all for the year. I should volunteer some time and help them get it up and running..they are behind! I hope to joing the PTA also..i am excited about it but don't know when i am going to make it to the meetings. I have class at nights and can't do both. I might have to miss class and at least go to some of them. I want to be active in her school life and help out however i can! I hate being left out! She is growing up too fast!I on the other hand have been pacing the house looking for things to do and watching cartoons by myself or at least listening to them! I have gotten some of the daily housework caught up and hope to start on some deep cleaning. I have so much free time now since grant is taking better naps(he slept for almost 3 hours this morning). And on the days i have my daycare kids they usually take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon...wow...what to do???
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