He really is the big man on our campus!
He is growing fast. We had our appointment on Tuesday and it went very well. Grant is finally back on track with his growth curve. His weight is 23 pounds...up almost 4 lbs. since his 12 month appointment! Woo-hoo!! He is around 35-40ish percent on his growth curve. His height is around 25% of kids his age at 30.75". His head was 48 cm which is around the 50%. All good news. The doctor was very happy with his growth. It seems that the tubes and lack of ear infections has made him all better.
His speech is still a little behind where we would like but he is progressing. He should be saying around 5-8 words at 15 months and he isn't quite there yet. We decided that we would recheck his speech at his 18 month check-up and see if he has caught up by then. If he doesn't catch up then our doc said he would refer us to the local first steps for assessment and possibly therapy. We are hoping he catches back up on his own. He is very bright and understands everything, he just isn't very verbal. I have tried to keep myself from comparing him to hailey knowing that gender, birth order, and his sicknesses all play a part in why they are different but it is hard. Hailey was doing so much already and ahead of most kids her age...i have to stop myself from beating myself and being frustrated with it all.
Also, we have decided that grant has a milk intolerance, not a huge problem or a full blown allergy, but still something to be monitered. With some research i found out that ear infections, diarrhea, belly aches, ezcema all are signs of milk problems. He has had them all. So we have switched his formula to soy but we have the okay to start weaning him off it now that his weight is better. He gets soy milk and loves it!!! He still can have milk products but we limit them and try not to give him large amounts at a time. Also when he does get milk products i have been monitoring how he acts afterwards-how his excema looks and if he is crabby, gassy, loose stools, etc. The doctor says if it gets worse then we can give him a pill that helps him digest lactose better.
Our doctor says that normally he doesn't do an 18 month appointment but so that we can monitor his weight, speech, and milk intolerance we will have an appointment then. Tuesday we got shots done and grant did very well. He only wimpered and stopped crying quickly. I think he was a trooper.
Grant has been starting to become a big screamer. He has lungs that can rival any girl i have ever heard. I haven't figured out a way to get him to stop but my eardrums are really suffering. He loves to be outside(what kid doesn't)and push his lawn mower or play with sidewalk chalk(while eating it). I can't wait to get a slippy slide/pool and see his face. He loves to play his piano or any intrument.
He is like a tornado and runs through the house tearing up anything he can as quickly as he can. He never plays with one thing for very long. He prefers anything techie over toys. He loves the remote, computer, and especially the cell phone. He loves toys that are soft especially his blankie and stuffed monkeys. He throws a ball well and climbs as often as possible. He is starting to learn body parts and animals. At least how to point to them when i say what they are. He is my cuddle bug and loves his daddy so much screaming daddy as soon as he is home.
I. never. wanted. a. son. BUT HE. IS. THE. BEST. THING. IN. THE. WORLD!! On the day i found out he was in fact a boy i was disappointed for about 4 seconds then i realized he was still mine, all mine. Every day when i wake up i can't imagine anything else so perfect. My daughter tried to trade him in for a girl baby in the hospital nursery but i am so happy they wouldn't let her (; He makes everyday an adventure and has given me the daily exercise i need. He makes me laugh and smile everyday and shopping for him isn't that bad either.
1 comment:
Don't worry about Grant. He will be fine weather he has to have speech or weather he catches up. Don't compare him to other kids. I don't do it with Charlotte because every kid is different. People tell me all the time that Charlotte should be doing this or that or shouldn't be doing this or that and I let it go in one ear and out the other. He is such a happy baby, and he will catch up! It is a curse put on mothers that our children always have to be "advanced". I have stopped thinking that way because it was driving me nuts. I just do what I think is right, and if Charlotte isn't what other people think she should be that is their problem. FRom what I got to see of him, he is a very smart, happy go lucky little man. CHarlotte seems to love the taste of chalk too, and we are outside all the time as well. We get up in the morning and she want to be outside first thing, so I put her shoes on over her feetsy jammies and away she goes. I spend mid morning cleaning and doing laundry etc, and then it is back outside until lunch and nap time, the she gets up and we do any errands we have and then come home and she will play outside until dinner, after dinner back outside until it is bath and bed time. Somedays it drives me crazy because I would just like to spend a day inside, but I know she is so much happier outside.I wish you lived closer so our kids could play together and we could sit and talk. I guess I better get to bed. Don't worry to much about Grant he is about as perfect as you can get :)
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