Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Happy 2nd Anniversary baby(It's been a great 9 1/2 years)

Today, June 2, is our 2nd wedding anniversary. Our wedding was perfect everything i had always dreamed about. It was 150 degrees outside, our flowers kept breaking, or DJ wore blue jeans(formal attire only), and our cake was lopsided but we could have cared less. I still remember how nervous i was and excited to finally be his wife. I had waited over 7 years for that day and i was ready for it. I remember a relief flood ove rme once we said our vows and walked out of the church...it seemed like i walked on clouds for weeks and weeks afterwards.

Jason was and still is the most wonderful daddy. After hailey was born he was so supportive and doting and i was ready for more of his children. Everytime i look at our son i think i made the right choice. Our honeymoon baby has made me respect his daddy even more. Jason is even a better daddy now with two kids. He is more patient, kind, and loves roughhousing with them. He is rough and tough and expects perfection but has this sweet, kind side.

Being married is like being a parent, it takes lots of hard work! Jason is a hard worker and "allows" me the opportunity to stay home and raise our children. He also has tolerated all my years of night school so we can provide abundantly and support our family.

Saturday we went out together to a bar for only the second time since being together and it was fabulous. I felt like we were dating again. I loved being with him and being by his side reconnecting. We are trying to schedule more mommy and daddy time and bring our marriage front and center and keep it there.

I am hoping that over the years through the good and the bad we will always come back and work on making each other happy. Sometimes it is easy to go about our daily lives and focus on things that are not important or to focus only on our children. But to keep your children happy you first must have a solid relationship. We are constantly working on this and trying to create a perfect balance. Thank you baby for two great years of marriage and almost ten years of happiness. You are my soulmate and i am so happy you chose me!!

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