I was polite enough not to stick the camera in her face after her encounter with the lovely hornet or wasp that decided to attack her thumb. As to not be cruel i restrained myself and just helped her the best that i could.
If you would have heard her scream after the sting you would have thought the wasp bit her thumb off...it was a yucky looking HOLE right on her thumb close to the webbing. Since she has never been stung and others in my family are highly allergic i was a wee bit freaked out when it started swelling and was very red all over her hand. But i tried to stay calm since she was freaked out enough for the both of us.
Digressing a bit, she had received some fake flowers from the neighbors as they cleaned out their flowerpots and she was so excited about having them. She had wanted to bring them in the house but i declined (luckily) and told her we needed to keep them outside it our flowerpots. She was walking around the culd-e-sac when i assume the wasp who had been napping in the flowers woke up and became irate that she had disturbed him so he found her thumb to punish.
I carried her to the table and remembered from my childhood them making a past from baking something....so i searched the cabinets for this mysterious substance. Soon, finding i had baking powder but not soda and hoping this was correct i made a paste and rubbed it on her wounded thumb. I am still unsure this was right but it was a start i figure.
Next i got cold water, ice, Tylenol and diet coke(the first two go together as do the last two) and applied while i tried to go online and figure out what to do next. It was just as i assumed. Give Tylenol for pain, Benadryl for itching and swelling, and watch for an adverse reaction. Usually occurring immediately but can happen in the first couple of hours. Luckily within an hour or so she was basically back to normal will little pain. By the time i got out of school 5 hours later she was sleeping on it and in no pain at all.
One thing she kept saying in the beginning was that she was never going outside again or playing with flowers....then she compared it to her jellyfish sting over the summer and was not happy this was all happening in the same year....luckily she played outside all night or i might have been worried that i would need to come up with fun things to do with her everyday...i am just not that creative.
On a different note, she has been doing amazingly well at school. She started out doing well but was having some issues with focusing. She would get A's on everything she did if she answered the questions but then sometimes she just wouldn't answer anything even when the teacher told them the answers. We talked about the importance of school and last time i saw her teacher she said Hailey was fabulous and how proud she was.
She has had four spelling tests so far this year and she has gotten 100%'s every time. I am so happy for all her effort and not complaining every night when we sit her down to practice and finish up her homework. I am hoping we will instill a love of learning. Also since i am in school i hope she will see how much effort i put forth and she will want to do the same.
I feel like she is growing up fast and it is scary. She now wants me to just drop her off so she can walk in the room by herself. It was so hard for me to give up that little part but reluctantly i did and she is doing fine. She continues to ride the bus only three afternoons a week and no major problems. We have some new neighbor kids that are just darling and Hailey has become very close to them both. It makes me feel much better about her riding the bus knowing other nice kids are close by...does that sound silly??
I added these pics cause i haven't been shooting my camera much and it seems like Grant has been the focus of my pics lately. My daughter is so beautiful and on this day she just lit up the room. It was before school and when i told her i wanted pics cause she looked so darn cute she just giggled and gave me the cute little funny faces about. She is growing and not a baby anymore. No more doing everything mom says...starting to push the limits...starting to have her own ideas and thoughts...she is beautiful inside and out!! I love my baby girl!!
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