Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10 weeks

Today i ran by my doctors office to grab an OB consent form to take to the university in a week or two for my ultrasound the students will give me and ended up having an appointment in addition to it.  I have been feeling really puny this pregnancy and overly exausted and neaseated more so than with my previous two pregnancies.  So when i told my nurse that she said she had a cancelation and asked if i wanted to see the Dr. today and get my labs out of the way, i was like HELL yeah! 

So i had my labs, got to hear my baby's precious heartbeat(a galloping horse), and got a home remedy from him to hopefully help my symptoms until we get an answer if there is anything to see.  He is testing my vitamin levels and my thyroid on top of all the other first OB apt. labs. 

Before my appointment i took Grant to the Ear, nose, and throat Dr. and got his 18 mth check-up since he has had tubes...and they both fell out since the last appointment.  It is a double edged sword.  If he has outgrown this we are in good shape and then no more ear infections= no more specialist! If he hasn't outgrown it then most likely with winter afoot then Grant will end up very sick again with a never ending ear infection and will be stuck with a repeat surgery for tubes again...which i am praying won't happen...but Hailey was five when she had her tubes placed so i am not optimistic :(

In other news, we just got back from a gorgeous wedding in Iowa of a dear family friend and it was absolutely perfect.  The drive down and back was long and tiring but very much worth it! I will try to post pics soon but i haven't even turned my camera on in the four days we have been home.  Exaustion set in and today is the first day i feel like i might be back to the world of the living...but a nap is coming on soon!

I have been trying to plan out how we will set up the baby once he/she is born and i just can't decide what to do.  Do we put the nursery in our room where there is plenty of space(our room used to be two bedrooms previously) and get rid of all our privacy again but it will allow me to be close for breastfeeding!  OR do we have the baby share a room with Grant and try to squeeze in a crib and twin size bed into a room already extremely full of a billion toys but technically plenty room for two kiddos.  If it is a girl is that fair to him and/or the baby to share a room and how will i decorate with two opposite sexes in one room? It has been making me crazy and i just can't decide what the best answer is as of yet, but i need to decide soon because i would like to have the bedding picked out and bought by Christmas and Grant switched over tho the big boy bed so we don't have any problems with the baby having his bed...what do you think?

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