I am in so much trouble! Grant is starting to crawl..well scoot...well slide..whatever! He can get all the way acros sthe room in a pretty short amount of time. I feel like it is wayyyyy to early. I need more time before he is mobile. I am to busy to keep hailey's small toys locked up. Baby gates here i come! I am going to have to buy at least one if not two to keep him out of her room and out of the kitchen(mainly for when i am cooking). That is how i did it when hailey was little and it worked well. He can't even sit up by himself yet so how the hell is he crawling?? Every websit ei have been to seems to think that crawling comes after sititng up!! I wish i could get him crawling on video. I will try this weekend. Again my life is so crazy right now with school i am barely keeping up and i am only on week two...14 more to go!! I really want to figure out how to post a video..i will try to get my hubby to help.
He can figure anything out or he will ask his techie friends who know it all...the good things about marrying a smart man..he has the opposite brain of me..we complete each other(so corny)!! I love my hubby today and every day. He makes me so proud. He works so hard to support us so i can stayt at home. He had the kids asleep on time last night and the house picked up! It used to be such chaos when i got home at night the house a disaster and he would be asleep/watching tv and hailey would be running around 1/2 naked only have eaten cereal for dinner(maybe a bit of a dramatization) but pretty close! I hated going to school because i didn't liek the lack of structure at home. Now he is so in charge. He has adopted my schedule for the most part and has them fed and in bed..even baths done...it is amazing! This is how it should have been the whole time. He even has been helping with the household chores..i usually try and do it all but i have been so taxed from the enormous amount of homework i have had it just isnt going to get done. I am lucky to keep up with laundry and some of the dishes...I love him for all of this. Then last night he kissed me and thanked me for all that i do. Those little moments are what keep me going and knowing that this will all be worth wild once i am done..i am so ready to be done.
I want to be with my kids and husband..i am so jealous when they get to do fun things without me. Tomorrow Jason gets to take hailey to her girl scouts meeting...that was supposed to be me...i hate the fact i have to miss it...also next week is her PTA meeting..i will miss it also...this sucks! I am going to try and take off at least once in each class to go to some of the meetings. My kids future is so important..i need to be there...maybe i can con Jason into taking the camcorder for me so i can watch it later! That is a great idea...i hope he says yes! He is going to think i am crazy!!
1 comment:
I totally understand about things not getting done when your not around. I use to have the same problem with Jim. Then when Cherie was here when Chalotte was first born she and I had a long talk and she explained to me that you have to literally spell out what you want them to do. It is a guy thing. They can see laundry piled up to the ceiling but unless you ask them to put the laundry in while you are gone they don't understand that it needs to be done. That was the hardest thing for me. I thought he should know what to do and that I shouldn't have to ask him, but since I have started asking him to do things it has changed 180 degrees. He gets it now. I really felt in the begining that it was my responsibility because I wasn't working, but I cam to realize that a baby is a 24/7 job and if I want to keep my sanity he has to help me. So I am glad Jason is helping. You have a whole lot on your your plate right now. So good for him. Tell him how much you appreciate it too. I found that Jim love praise. Even if it is for picking up his socks off the floor. They are kid of like having another kid. Positive renforcement:) Grant is going to be on the move before you know it. I am freaking out with Charlotte. She has literally reached two milestones in the past two days. You will have to read my new blog... you will see what I mean. I am trying to figure out how to upload a video too. I have a Sony handycam DVD recorder and it won't upload to here or youtube and I have a video of Charlotte saying "Mama" I want so bad for everyone to see it. So if you figure it out let me know. I am pretty sure the video isn't the right format but I don't know how to change the format. I have tried all day. I finally put a question into the sony tech support so hopefully I will get a response soon. if I figure it out I'll let you know. Ok I think this is long enough. I will try and get the blog posted tonight or tomorrow morning it will make you laugh.
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