I am so excited to finally say "change is in the air". What a wonderful feeling to have our 44th president having so much optimism and truly supporting and working for the middle class. No candidate was perfect..they both had faults...but he is respectful and a hardworker who wants to make this country great again. I believe in him and i believe in our our country. We can come together and raise ourselves back up out of the slump we have been in. I have great expectations for our children and the future and his ideas when implemented should make their life so much greater. We as a country needed this so badly. I am so proud to have Barack Obama as our next president. Congrats!
I am so dissapointed in all the people who supported McCain and have bashed Obama(and vise versa). I understand you are proud of your candidate and want them to win but really you need to get your facts together first. If you have a valid argument it is one thing but so many people have based their thoughts on ideas that are not true at all. My step father was against Obama and was for mcCain because of his military record until my mom laid out Obamas plan and what he really wanted. He had been listening to uneducated people's opinions and hadnt learned the true facts about either candidate. We assumed he had voted McCain since he considers himself republican/conservative/Military..ect...but this morning he told us he didn't he voted for change and for Obama! My mom was in tears and so proud of him for making an educated vote.
I think that if you looked at the issues and still voted for mcCain because you beleived he was the man for the job then good for you..you made the decision you thought was right just like everyone should..an educated vote!! But for the people who voted and just followed what their parents did or because he was black..white...or whatever SHAME ON YOU!!! I am so disappointed...i can't believe all the racial slurs and backlash i have already heard. Some even say that he is a terrorist..give me a break!! I think everyone has a right to an opinion but only if it is educated and correct...all these false ideas are what make so many of the bad things in this world happen. You need to trust your leaders and trust the government...and pray for them to do what is right for the whole United States...especially the poor!! We are known as the wealthiest country in the world but so many of us arent willing to give up just a small bit to help our neighbor....wouldnt this world be a better place if we all just helped each other out! It is not alll abou t being at the top and screw everyone on the bottom. If we didnt have a bottom you couldnt climb to the top!
Everyone whines abou t socialism but they take care of their people. Have you ever researched their healthcare and education??? You should it is amazing!! They take care of everyone so that the bottom people have a chance to survive and make something of themselves. We deserve to give our new president the chance to help the people of our country also. I am not saying socialism is the answer but there are aspects of it that would keep the corrupt(healthcare industry especially) from making the basics needs of our people impossible to have. Dont you think everyone has the right to be healthy??
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