Wednesday, April 15, 2009


My baby grew over 4 pounds since his 12 month ckeckup!! Grant is now at 23.4 lbs. yeah! I was very excited to say the least. He hadnt gained weight since basically October....and with his new ear tubes he is growing amazingly! He is sleeping and feeling better!!

His appetite has been ravinous...sometimes taking up to 10-12 oz. per feeding!! Before i was lucky to get him to take 4-6 oz at a time! I am still having a hard time getting him to eat many table foods but i have been trying to get off the formula as much as possible. We are giving him 1/2 whole milk and 1/2 formula during the day and then formula at he starts getting used to table food we will wean him down and finally start getting rid of the bottle.

I have been working hard on getting him to use a sippy cup during the day and only give him bottles when he lays down. BUT i know i need to get rid of the bottle 100%...hailey was cut off at 1 year but i know his situation is a little different...she was healthy and loved table food and had no problem transitioning. She was a booby baby not a bottle bay so it was easier for her. Also it is my was of keeping him a baby longer!! (:

If you have any suggestions on how to get him to not be so picky with table food please give me some tips?? He loves fruit, cheese, peanut butter and crackers/breaqds/cereal. Also he loves chinese..noodles, crab, shrimp.... BUT many vegetables or meats i make everyday he will just spit out. It is hard to find quick foods i can feed him without having to give him the same things over andf over again. I want him to eat healthy without lots of processed foods. I hate toddler meals and stuff like that with lots of sodium or fat...i really need some ideas if i want to get him eating table food at every meal. What do i do??

1 comment:

J.J. said...

I things I do with Charlotte are, I cook fresh veggies in soup broth. It gives them a little flavor. Also you might want to try using popcorn flavoring. They make all different flavors and although they have a lot of salt in them if you use very little it gives just a enough flavor to intrest him. I think the bottle proablt has a lot to do with it too. I know when I stopped giving Charlotte so much formula she was a lot more hungary and wanted to eat. Also try water instead of juice. I have really just given Charlotte water since she started her sippy cup and now she prefers the natural sweet of fruits and she doesn't really care for juice to much. I know you said you don't like the toddler meals but the gerber graduates meals are a perfect combination of flavors for a baby and they have the protein, veggies, and vitamins that toddlers need. They are nice and quick. I don't do them a lot but when we are in a hurry or we have someplace to go and don't have time to make a proper lunch they work out really nice. Grant can also feed himself with most of the meals. They are just the right size for little fingers to pick up. I would just try making a bunch of different kinds of veggies and let him feed himself. If you only give him the veggies for one meal and let him do it himself it may help. and then if he doesn't eat much wait an hour or so and try it again. Don't give him anything in between, and see if he will start to eat them. If he realizes that he isn't going to get you to give him what he wants then maybe he will start to try different things. Maybe not too, but it is worth a try. The other thing Charlotte likes is to dip things. She like to dip her veggies in ranch, italian, or french dressing. It is one of her favorite snacks. I cut up broccoli, cauliflower, celery, carrots, basically what ever I have in the fridge and get a small bowl of dressing. She loves to dip. See if he likes that. try it with the different meats too. The thing with the meats is mayb it is hard for him to chew or the texture is funny to him. Try cutting it up really really small and use different seasonings. I hope this helps some. It may not help at all, but this is what I do with Charlotte. She has liked veggies since the beginning though so that has made it pretty easy. She is started to develop prefrences for different things and I have tried to curb it a little by offering her a different kinds of food. I still give her the stuff she likes but I give her stuff that she hasn't had before with the stuff she is starting not to care for and it becomes new and fun for her. Good Luck! Let me knows what happens.