Wednesday, April 15, 2009

surgery and other random tidbits

It has been nonstop action around our house or weeks and i don't see any sign of a slowdown.

Hailey has started soccer and is still in girl scouts (Daisy's) so we have three meetings a week between the two. Keeps us very busy. But luckily all of her sports and activities end around the same time school us lots of family time to spend together! I have her signed up for a couple of summer activities and camps but overall we are going to make it a summer of family activities. I will probably go back to work before next summer and i won't get much time with her...i want to take advantage of it all! We are also getting so close to our florida trip...middle of june...i just can't wait. The Easter bunny brought the kids sand castle buckets ans sand/water toys...such a smart bunny!

We are halfway done with the remodeling. Our room is basically empty now and we are going to get the caulking done later this week and then work on the painting over the weekend. IF we get it all done i can call the carpet place and hopefully get the carpet in early next awesome it will feel to have all that done and pretty. Seven years we have been here and it has ben so it will be fresh and new! WE ARE GETTING THERE....we have besically remodeled or repainted the whole house now and got it how we like it...then we want to makes no sense does it?? But i will post pictures as soon as i get the project done(as long as we have the virus of the computer).

My mom went to the doctor this week and long story short she has gallstones and needs surgery. The bad part is she is in pain and they, the typical doctors are taking their precious time. She doesn't even have a surgical consult until Monday..then i assume surgery should be within a week but it is hard to say! I hate to see her in pain and know she isn't one to ask for help. I don't want to bother her constanly but i want her to know that i am truly her for her...i hope she will take the help if needed!

Also school has been keeping me busy. We are getting down to the end...two more weeks and we are what a relief. I am taking summer school for 5 weeks after that but it is only one class so it will be much easier to concentrate and get everything accomplished.

Our computer has a virus so we can't get on it until we get it fixed..i am using the laptop now. BUT all my photos go on our desktop and i am feeling really out of place using this! We do have photoshop now but it also is for the desktop computer and i havent installed it or been able to check it out...i am really excited to see what i can do with to come...someday!!

My son got his first shiner last night. Dady said he was playing in one of his little chairs and fell backwards busting the corner of his eye. Today it is starting to turn colors a little and is swollen but it won't be the last time he gets one i'm sure! But again i can't post a pic which really sucks!

The weather sucks also. It is cold again. I am ready for sunny nice days where the kids can play outside without being bundled up....or AT LEAST GET RID OF THE RAIN SO OUR BACKYARD ISN'T A RIVER. But blessings do come from all this. Our kids have had the chance to see the miracles of life over this Easter season. We have always had lots of birds in our backyard because of the trees and honeysuckle but this year we had some beautiful birds make a nest in a tree very close to our back door(it is a large sliding we can see the tree and nest very well at all times). They just laid their first egg on Easter sunday and we got picks of it. Very gorgeous blue egg. I assume they will lay more but we have been trying to aviod looking as much aqs possible. We know that if we touch anything we will scare the mommy and she wont come back to take care of the baby.

Hailey is fasinated and we have been trying to teach her a lesson about it. I have been teaching her about how we are born both the scientific way and God's way. She is very interested in it and loves watching the bird looking for food in our rain soaked backyard that is perfect for finding worms!! Good for them bad for us...then again if it wasnt for God we never could of had this miracle in the first place....such amazing things happen everyday.

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