Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sleepy time

It was a fabulous 9 days but also very exausting. I will try to get a post up tomorrow with pics from each day. We did so much cool stuff and really enjoyed the time with the kids. BUT it was very stressful with two kiddos in the car for 12 hours...both ways and trying to deal with different food, nap times, heat...EXAUSTING!!

I am happy to be home but also sad to be away from the beach. It was so much better than i remember. We will be going beck very soon. I refuse to wait another 5 long years. The beach was amazing until the jellyfish came to visit and our condo was perfect until the last day when the neighbors from hell moved in....that will be a post all of its own.

For now everything is unpacked, i have caught up on blogs and emails, and my hubby is sleeping and i am ready to lay my head down for sleep..if only i had my pillow....rats we forgot it at the condo!

Regressing again...good night everyone...hope you had as wonderful of a week as i have!

Guess i will be using an old standby memoryfoam...i will be getting a new pillow later this week. I have to have a soft cuddly pillow!

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