Thursday, July 2, 2009

What can i do??

Why am i so angry daughter is making me so upset that i am very, very close to spanking her and i HATE to spank. She is turning into THAT child. She is constantly, continuously, everlastingly bothering her brother just to make him scream at an annoying, earpiercing, blow your ears out level. She doesn't listen ever. I am up to my knee with her crap. She is ungrateful and spoiled and it is all my fault. I can't figure out what to do to make her listen and understand that what she is doing is wrong. I am at my witts end. I don'tknow any more techniques to teach her to do what is right to listen. She is starting to become sassy and talk back more frequently.

I am over the moon that my mom is coming to get her at any moment so i don't stick my foot up her rear.

I. am. exausted. and. stressed. beyond. what. i. can. handle.

I had wrote this the other day and just couldn't bring myself to finish it. Luckily she spent the weekend at my mom's and came back refreshed. She has been at Vacation Bible School the past two days and it has completely changed her (for the moment). She is a doll today. She has been learning about Rome and all the riches they had back then and all the things they didn't have. She has been learning about being helpful and doing things that are nice just to do it. She has been great. It has kept a smile on my face all day.

Sometimes when we are going through a bad day you think it has been like that forever but then things get good again and we realize it just feels like it. I have just been so busy that i have been letting her run the roost and she has gotten to think she can take charge. BUT i am trying to be more assertive with discipline and also spend more quality time with her. I think i am part of the busy schedule...but i am going to try and do better to teach her how a six year old or anyone for that matter should behave!

I love my daughter during the good times and the bad. Sometimes we just have to wait for the rough patch to clear and pass before seeing just how great things can be. This is the part of my daughter i want to see more often. The one who is good, helpful, and kind.....she is such a blessing! I am happy i got a chance to post this with both sides of the story..not just me being angry but also showing her true side, her good side!

Don't we all have good and bad days??

1 comment:

J.J. said...

Hey the one thing I have learned really quickly being a mom is that we do the best we can and hope for the best:) Trust me, I only have Charlotte but there are days I would trade her for a goldfish in a minute! Just do what you can to teach her the right way to act. I have found that completely ignoring her tantrums have helped a lot. If she doesn't get a reaction (Good or Bad) from she seems to understand that it is useless to keep whining! Sorry but that is all I got for now until she gets older and I have to deal with more. She needs to know what you expect from her and you have to stick to it everytime. No matter where or what! Good Luck kiddo! Your a great mom don't be so hard on yourself. Even the best kids can have their days!