Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm a Big Girl Now

Well she did it. I have a big girl now.
A. First. Grader.

I loved seeing her in school again.

She thrived last year and grew up so much.

I hope for a wonderful year making new friends and loving her teacher. I know how important this year is in terms of what she will learn and carry with her in future classes and i just hope she really learns everything she will need to succeed.

I want her to have the world and i know a quality education is the cornerstone of reaching the stars. A saying me and hailey have been saying lately is "Reach for the moon and if it is to far out grab a star and hold on tight"...she is a big girl now and she makes her own destiny!!! I want her to know how important school is and that it isn't for playing but for learning. I want her to have fun but know that is not the true purpose. She's a big girl now!!!

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