Tuesday, September 14, 2010

God has a plan

It is the plan i have wanted but worried about.  I don't know what the future holds but it looks so much brighter now.  I have decided to leave my future in Gods hands...if i am supposed to be at home or working, God will plan for me.  I am still looking and sending out applications daily.  I still want to work more than anything.  At the same time i am happy with our life as it is...do we really need a bigger house, more stuff....can we just be happy in a small house with three kids and with me at home raising them.  I don't know? What i do know is that it is all in Gods hands and he has a plan for us. 

This little baby shows me what God can do, this baby is so tiny he/she doesn't even have a heartbeat yet.  Somehow my body is already in protection mode and trying to figure out how to make this baby work with our schedule...our constraints...our life.  I am in awe of the power of God.  This has made my day, made my week, made my year, i am happy!

In May, we will be having our third and final child and i am so grateful and blessed for this opportunity! My family is grateful and thrilled.  My daughter is keeping track of the baby's size and comparing it to blades of grass and pieces of food and our son is pointing at his belly and saying baby! My husband is praying for just one but i am saying whatever is thrown our way we are happy with.  I am in awe and so happy, thank-you God, THANK YOU!

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