This boy is amazing. He has been a great child since he was born. His temperment is so sweet and he is always smiling. He will just sit in his bed cooing and laughing at himself. I can't believe that at one time in my life i didn't want a boy...he is my pride and joy. He makes everyone around him a little happier just by being there. Grant thank-you my gorgeous baby boy for letting me see all the joys in the little have brought immense happiness into my life!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
He is the happiest baby i have ever seen
This boy is amazing. He has been a great child since he was born. His temperment is so sweet and he is always smiling. He will just sit in his bed cooing and laughing at himself. I can't believe that at one time in my life i didn't want a boy...he is my pride and joy. He makes everyone around him a little happier just by being there. Grant thank-you my gorgeous baby boy for letting me see all the joys in the little have brought immense happiness into my life!
I am VOTE is in!
I went and got the chance to vote early today! The line was very short and it took around 20 minutes. I was blessed because alot of people have been waiting up to 3 hours to vote. I heard at Hailey's school about our civic center downtown having short line's and sure enough they were. If it wasn't for all the older folks not understanding the computer system or not seeing it..we would have been through alot faster. It took me about 2 minutes to pick everyone. Indiana is one of the states where every vote really matters..we can make a difference...please go out and vote as soon as you can!!
Obviously if you have done your research you shouldn't have any just pick the people you all ready know you want. I was happy to do it and i pray it makes a difference. We need change and i truly think that my canidate has what it takes. He has great family values and MOST of his policies follow things that i believe in. He is the best we can get!
Jason went also and got his vote in. Luckily we both voted for the same preseidential canidate and agreed for the most part on the others...we also pray for the schools in Vanderburg County that the referrendum is approved. We need a huge change and this will help redistrict and update our schools and set them up for sucess in the future.
Obviously if you have done your research you shouldn't have any just pick the people you all ready know you want. I was happy to do it and i pray it makes a difference. We need change and i truly think that my canidate has what it takes. He has great family values and MOST of his policies follow things that i believe in. He is the best we can get!
Jason went also and got his vote in. Luckily we both voted for the same preseidential canidate and agreed for the most part on the others...we also pray for the schools in Vanderburg County that the referrendum is approved. We need a huge change and this will help redistrict and update our schools and set them up for sucess in the future.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pumpkins & Trunk-or-treat

We had a blast making pumpkins yesterday! We got tatoos for the kids instead of painting or carving this year. Hailey loved it! She giggled all night after seeing them. I was proud of ours that we carved. Mine was very was green then we made it a girly cat!! Jason was a mean suits his style!! haha!! Loved it.
Trunk-or-treat at church was always is. Everyone was dressed very cute and so creative. We decided to be earth friendly and not buy costumes this year. We recycled things we had around the house and it was just as fun. Well grant's was new but we bought it used and plan on using it for a snowsuit also! I loved the monkey face! Hailey was a bride with the red sweater(since it is freezing). I thought we should get some good use out of her flowergirl dress before getting rid of it. We have had it in the closet for almost 2 years! Next year i am hoping to do a family costume where we all match..maybe pirates..or superheros..I'm sure we will think of something!
Trunk-or-treat at church was always is. Everyone was dressed very cute and so creative. We decided to be earth friendly and not buy costumes this year. We recycled things we had around the house and it was just as fun. Well grant's was new but we bought it used and plan on using it for a snowsuit also! I loved the monkey face! Hailey was a bride with the red sweater(since it is freezing). I thought we should get some good use out of her flowergirl dress before getting rid of it. We have had it in the closet for almost 2 years! Next year i am hoping to do a family costume where we all match..maybe pirates..or superheros..I'm sure we will think of something!
The racoon!! Rated R(gross)
I don't have any pictures but i almost wish we had..but you are lucky to be spaired the gruesome details. I'll start at the beginning. We had this racoon (about 25 lbs.)that got in the trash every night for the past year or so....trash everywhere in the morning including dirty diapers...even when we double bagged them he still got them opened! yuck! We finally got so sick of it Jason decided to take care of him. I was sad but so annoyed i finally decided it had to be done. About two weeks ago he saw it in the trash and got his gun and shot him, one shot immediate kill, no mess! I was sad but it was fast no big deal! Problem no no..the next night another racoon about 1/3 bigger the size of a dog but fatter started getting in the trash...we thought this is never going to end.
So over the weekend Jason said he was going to get this one. About 9:30 at night i hear him tip over the cans and jason gets up to get him. I'll try and explain the situation. We have a back porchright off the kitchen...trash cans about 4 feet from our sliding doors. We have a mess outside all around them because the deck is tore off. So three sides are blocked and the forth is my car. The first racoon when shot fell backwards 0ff the porch into the grass..clean and easy! NOPE not this one..he fell forward and decided to make a murder scene out of our back porch. He came right up to the house-sliding doors and slid down the side of stuck trying to go under the kids bikes..flopping..over all the kids toys and then into the driveway(rocks)and finally under my car into the grass where we assumed he died since he was shot in the head and didnt have much of it left!
I wanted to take a picture but Jason was flipping out because we live in the city(No shooting guns) and our backyard was like a murder scene. It was horribe!! Luckily my husband cleaned it up mainly with a water hose..but we had to throw most of the kids toys away because i was scared of rabies, even after them being cleaned...yuck!! Poor jason was out there for almost 45 minutes cleaning up scraps of racoon and blood...but the damdest thing is that the racoon disappeared...he is gone!!! Our backyard is mainly fenced and he was obviously injured with a large head wound and he is gone!! we searched forever for him in the front and back yard! I feel so bad that someone else will have to find him. poor racoon. We never would have done it if we thought he would suffer or that he would destroy our porch!
I am waiting for another to come raid the trash as punishment for the last one's misery!! I now know what it must be like for the crazies out there that murder is truly impossible to clean it all up! They are stupid for even trying. We still have stuff in the rocks that we can't get to go away! i would just turn myself in and not even try! It is a gruesome thing..yuck, yuck, yuck!!
So over the weekend Jason said he was going to get this one. About 9:30 at night i hear him tip over the cans and jason gets up to get him. I'll try and explain the situation. We have a back porchright off the kitchen...trash cans about 4 feet from our sliding doors. We have a mess outside all around them because the deck is tore off. So three sides are blocked and the forth is my car. The first racoon when shot fell backwards 0ff the porch into the grass..clean and easy! NOPE not this one..he fell forward and decided to make a murder scene out of our back porch. He came right up to the house-sliding doors and slid down the side of stuck trying to go under the kids bikes..flopping..over all the kids toys and then into the driveway(rocks)and finally under my car into the grass where we assumed he died since he was shot in the head and didnt have much of it left!
I wanted to take a picture but Jason was flipping out because we live in the city(No shooting guns) and our backyard was like a murder scene. It was horribe!! Luckily my husband cleaned it up mainly with a water hose..but we had to throw most of the kids toys away because i was scared of rabies, even after them being cleaned...yuck!! Poor jason was out there for almost 45 minutes cleaning up scraps of racoon and blood...but the damdest thing is that the racoon disappeared...he is gone!!! Our backyard is mainly fenced and he was obviously injured with a large head wound and he is gone!! we searched forever for him in the front and back yard! I feel so bad that someone else will have to find him. poor racoon. We never would have done it if we thought he would suffer or that he would destroy our porch!
I am waiting for another to come raid the trash as punishment for the last one's misery!! I now know what it must be like for the crazies out there that murder is truly impossible to clean it all up! They are stupid for even trying. We still have stuff in the rocks that we can't get to go away! i would just turn myself in and not even try! It is a gruesome thing..yuck, yuck, yuck!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
God forgives us..we just have to ask!!
This post goes along with my last post on the debates but mainly about the issue of abortion within that post. This was a fellow blogger site!! It is an amazing site on preservering though the loss of a child and hr journey in God's arms! What she says is so close to my thougths but i am not eloquent like her. Read and understand:
"I couldn't help but notice how many women commented or emailed me to tell me that they were mourning the loss of a baby through abortion. Some were forced, and others were by choice. I am willing to bet that if you read my blog, you could guess that I am pro-life. You will also know that, even more important that my stance on any topic, I am pro-God.
Sisters, hear me on this. If you are one of these women, and you are carrying this burden with you as you travel through life, I want you to know that you are forgiven. Do not let the enemy torture you for one more day. We all have things that we deeply regret, that we struggle with, that we wish we could do over. The God I serve does not see me this way. He sees me as pure and clean...through the blood of Christ. "
What amazing words!! Every time i read this i have a wave of goosebumps, a smile, and a tear. It is sadness and happiness. I want women to know we all make mistakes some big and some small but God forgives!!! HE FORGIVES!! How lucky we all are to have this. Who are we to judge. I have to take a step back sometimes and remember who rules us all and who will make the final decision for eternity. Ask for forgiveness for our sins and we shall be saved!! My day is so much brighter after thinking about the fact that i have been God fogives me for everything i have ever done...and you all of you have been forgiven also!
"I couldn't help but notice how many women commented or emailed me to tell me that they were mourning the loss of a baby through abortion. Some were forced, and others were by choice. I am willing to bet that if you read my blog, you could guess that I am pro-life. You will also know that, even more important that my stance on any topic, I am pro-God.
Sisters, hear me on this. If you are one of these women, and you are carrying this burden with you as you travel through life, I want you to know that you are forgiven. Do not let the enemy torture you for one more day. We all have things that we deeply regret, that we struggle with, that we wish we could do over. The God I serve does not see me this way. He sees me as pure and clean...through the blood of Christ. "
What amazing words!! Every time i read this i have a wave of goosebumps, a smile, and a tear. It is sadness and happiness. I want women to know we all make mistakes some big and some small but God forgives!!! HE FORGIVES!! How lucky we all are to have this. Who are we to judge. I have to take a step back sometimes and remember who rules us all and who will make the final decision for eternity. Ask for forgiveness for our sins and we shall be saved!! My day is so much brighter after thinking about the fact that i have been God fogives me for everything i have ever done...and you all of you have been forgiven also!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
National Debates
Wow how lucky was i to see the debates last night. I knew who i wanted to vote for but i had one small hang-up that was making it hard for me. ABORTION. I am a huge PRO-LIFE advocate. I don't believe in abortion for any reason, no exceptions!!! My husband, and most of you out there disagree with me and i accept that and i won't try to make you understand my choice. I believe God gives us life for a reason and we shouldn't have the option of taking that life away even if it puts our own life in jeopardy.
Maybe if i was in a life altering decision i would change my mind but i doubt it. I told my husband the same thing when i was pregnant with both of my children. If we have complications save them first..they have their whole life ahead of them. When you have an abortion you are killing a child of God! It is murder!! I have heard all the sides and understand why some might want to abort, rapes or developmental problems...but it is still your baby. I think that if you want to give up your child once born that is your right..but never giving them a chance is not an option.
I love OBAMA, i love his radical ideas on how to change our country. I think he is the fresh face that can move us away from poor past decisions and into a new time of prosperity. He cares for the children of the country but he is pro-choice. That makes it hard for me to vote for him. I hate most everything McCain stands for EXCEPT he is pro-life and proud of it! I love that he has stood up for his beliefs!! I know our country can do better than their current practices but they are better than most countries. Do you know in China they have 600 abortions for every 1000 live births compared to our 26ish to every 1000 live births!! What a difference! We have to be doing something right to have our numbers so low. But i think it should be non existent!! I understand that some people will go and do it anyways but i don' think the law should justify it. It is similar to drug abuse..millions of people do it but you don't make it legal just because it is common!
Obama made me feel more comfortable after the debate because he justified his actions. He said he didn't vote down the laws concerning babies born alive after abortions but that a law was already enacted in illinois to cover those it wasnt needed. He also said he tried to pass the other anti-abortion laws but wanted a clause in it about if a mothers life was in danger she could still the right to an abortion, they wouldn't change the law. I understand that it is a step in a right direction. It is better than no law. He said he does agree with roe v wade which is hard for me but overall he still has wonderful ethics and wants to do what is right for a parent and child. His stance is more the greatest good(for women) and mine is more if it saves one (child's)life it is worth the ban. It made me more comfortable with the issue. I know that i have to pick the best president from all his qualifications not just one. He has the best policy for the middle class and the best option for children and families. It isn't 100% my way but it is the best thati can hope for!
Maybe if i was in a life altering decision i would change my mind but i doubt it. I told my husband the same thing when i was pregnant with both of my children. If we have complications save them first..they have their whole life ahead of them. When you have an abortion you are killing a child of God! It is murder!! I have heard all the sides and understand why some might want to abort, rapes or developmental problems...but it is still your baby. I think that if you want to give up your child once born that is your right..but never giving them a chance is not an option.
I love OBAMA, i love his radical ideas on how to change our country. I think he is the fresh face that can move us away from poor past decisions and into a new time of prosperity. He cares for the children of the country but he is pro-choice. That makes it hard for me to vote for him. I hate most everything McCain stands for EXCEPT he is pro-life and proud of it! I love that he has stood up for his beliefs!! I know our country can do better than their current practices but they are better than most countries. Do you know in China they have 600 abortions for every 1000 live births compared to our 26ish to every 1000 live births!! What a difference! We have to be doing something right to have our numbers so low. But i think it should be non existent!! I understand that some people will go and do it anyways but i don' think the law should justify it. It is similar to drug abuse..millions of people do it but you don't make it legal just because it is common!
Obama made me feel more comfortable after the debate because he justified his actions. He said he didn't vote down the laws concerning babies born alive after abortions but that a law was already enacted in illinois to cover those it wasnt needed. He also said he tried to pass the other anti-abortion laws but wanted a clause in it about if a mothers life was in danger she could still the right to an abortion, they wouldn't change the law. I understand that it is a step in a right direction. It is better than no law. He said he does agree with roe v wade which is hard for me but overall he still has wonderful ethics and wants to do what is right for a parent and child. His stance is more the greatest good(for women) and mine is more if it saves one (child's)life it is worth the ban. It made me more comfortable with the issue. I know that i have to pick the best president from all his qualifications not just one. He has the best policy for the middle class and the best option for children and families. It isn't 100% my way but it is the best thati can hope for!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My babies and our trip to the zoo

With school keeping so much of my free time no longer free i decided to take a full day to spend with the kids no distractions. It was such a blessing. We spent the whole day together until bedtime doing whatever the kids(hailey) wanted ...within reason. The zoo was so fun. She wanted to do a mini photo shoot so we started at home and then took numerous shots at the zoo! She did a great job and it documents our wonderful day. I have been trying to get her more involved in the environment and taking car eof it and the zoo was a great start. They are in the process of getting ready for Boo at the Zoo which starts this weekend. I am so excited! Hailey loves it every year! Here are some of the pics from our wonderful day just mommy and her babies!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Life is crazy!! I dont think i can say that enough. I just can't get motivated for my classes this semester. I am drained..i am so overwhelmed i can't even enjoy the classes. I just do it and never think about it again! I am not learning anything just breezing by! I wont do this to me or my family is so exausting for us all! Jason is tired from working then having them 4 nights a week and i am tired from working and the 5 classes with the kids all day! uggg...i am still counting down the weeks until it is over! I need to get back to reading Hamlet..which i am is interesting but i cant concentrate with the kiddos here and we havent been feeling well this week. We have had sore throats and headaches....allergies/cold...i dont know which..maybe both!
My son is saying dada and is adorable. He only says mama when he is sad or crying but he says dada all day long. I cant get the mama on video. But I have dada on video and it is so precious! I will add it soon! Also he is standing up everywhere...we had to lower his crib over the weekend so he wont fall out! Also he gets into a sitting position from crawling which he couldnt do until recently. So many advancements.
Hailey is getting a ribbon for making the Vogel Olympics team(a running program in her PE class) They even have a slideshow of the kids. Unfortunately, it is the same day as her Adnoid/Tubes surgery! She will still get the ribbon but will miss the program. I am tempted to move her surgery back ..she is going to miss so many things with it being close to halloween!! I am going to call Jason and see what he thinks!
My son is saying dada and is adorable. He only says mama when he is sad or crying but he says dada all day long. I cant get the mama on video. But I have dada on video and it is so precious! I will add it soon! Also he is standing up everywhere...we had to lower his crib over the weekend so he wont fall out! Also he gets into a sitting position from crawling which he couldnt do until recently. So many advancements.
Hailey is getting a ribbon for making the Vogel Olympics team(a running program in her PE class) They even have a slideshow of the kids. Unfortunately, it is the same day as her Adnoid/Tubes surgery! She will still get the ribbon but will miss the program. I am tempted to move her surgery back ..she is going to miss so many things with it being close to halloween!! I am going to call Jason and see what he thinks!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
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