Saturday, November 29, 2008

Class Reunion

Well, what a day this has started off to be. I was up off and on all night with Grant who wasn't feeling well..turkey, gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole, corn casserole, fruit salad, cranberry salad, pies, pies, and more pies=too much of a good thing...BELLY ACHE!!! He cried himself to sleep on my chest. I gave him tylenol and gas drops because he was in so much pain. It was horrible!

Then Jason let me sleep uninterrupted from 6:30-10:30 this morning. It was so peaceful and wonderful..ahhh refreshed. Grant is feeling well and back to normal so we stuck with some baby food and more simple foods today to help get him back on track.

My mom was supposed to watch the kiddos tonight while Jason and I go to my... GULP... 10 year reunion....BUT she is deadly ill with a 104 temp and Bronchitis. We haven't done the babysitter thing yet so we were concerned about finding a replacement but luckily him mom said she could do it. But because of that i had to clean my house. If it was my mom i wouldn't care but for all of you with a mother-in-law it is house needed cleaned! I have everything put away except dishes...i will get to that soon.

Jason took Hailey shopping so i only have Grant but i am starting to get nervous about tonight. I have put on so much weight since getting pregnant....over 50lbs....i am so ashamed..i feel like the goodyear blimp! I got some new clothes this fall but i just can't decide what looks the best. I narrowed it down to two dresses and a pair of pants and nice shirt but i am pretty sure i like the one dress the best. It is very Thanksgiving-Fall!! I like the shape and i can wear pantyhose to suck in all the belly fat since my spankys are at my moms....i am really upset about that!!

Also, I dyed my hair yesterday expecting meduim BROWN..and got redish black looks nice but very rockstar. Nothing like i would normally have. It doenst work well but i dont have time to redye it before tonight! Nothing like going with a bang!

I am very thrilled with seeing all my old girlfriends. I really miss them all. I try to remember why we all quit hanging out and nothing comes to me. It has just been to long and for the most part there wasnt any reason other than just drifting apart! I had an older boyfreind in high school and hung out with him and his freinds and we just seperated. It sucks. I dont have many friends that i get together with for dinner and drinks. No one calls me when they come back into town. I had a huge group of friends in high school..but i let them all get away!

I am hoping this can bring some of us back together and reunite. I have been emailing lots of them but i would like more. I would love to get together with them for parties and to take the kids out. I am truly excited to see where life has led everyone.

I will update everyone on how things go. My hubby is going with me. He doesn't want to go but doesn't want to stay home either. Hopefully he will get along with everyone and enjoy the night! It would be great if they have a keg...yeah right more like a cash bar.

It is at rolling hills...where we got married. I am excited to go back. Good memories! I will post picks when we get back. Wish me luck!!


Anonymous said...

Class reunions suck. I would never go to mine. I too feel ashamed about my weight but it isn't just that. I didn't enjoy high school and it brings all that back. Jim had a reunion and one of his friends went but no one else even showed up. I wouldn't feel bad though. You are a great mommmie and an awesome person, so who cares if you have put on weight. You have a beautiful baby to show for it. I have lost touch with most of my friends from school too. It is weird, when you are in high school you can't imagine being without those people but once high school is over everyone seems to just move in diffrent directions. I have a couple friends I talk with but for the most part Jim is my best friend. I haven't had a girl's night out in ages. I think it is way over due. Good luck and have fun!

Erin Steele said...

The party itself sucked but i was excited to see my old friends. It was the same ole stuff with everyone else we stayed in our cliques....o well! I saw who i wasted to see and that made it worthwild!