This sums it all up! I love those eyes and eyelashes. Someone said the other day how sad they were wasted on a boy. I think they are sooo wrong. How fantastic..he is gorgeous/handsome and all mine! I love his fantastic little pudgy fingers and toes and those cheeks everyone says they want to eat(as wierd as that sounds).
We have his 9 month pictures coming soon. We got them taken today and I am very excited to show everyone! They should be adorable. Baby's first Christmas...

His current: Weight 18.12, He went down to the 20th % but they say that is normal for his small birthweight and at the stage he is in. They will watch for a gain next time. His height was 28 1/4, he went up to the 48th %, and his head was 46.
He has mild eczema but it is controlled with mosturizing..the doctor says it will probably get worse as he grows but currently he doesnt have to have any additional medications/creams for it. He is starting to get the whiplashed cheeks from the cold and they said that is one of the other things he will be more prone to in the winter so we have been lathering him with vasoline or A&D ointment as often as possible so it doesn;t get painful. So far it doesn't seem to bother him.
He has been granted unlimited access to adult food(except honey, nuts, etc)..so we are weaning him off many of the baby foods. It was expensive and he didn't like us feeding him any more so we are cleaning out the cabinets of infant food and beefing up his finger food list. I still mash most of it up some but he does well with most foods so everything is fair game. I am watching him with eggs and milk(yogurt) because one of them gave him a rash yesterday..his back and face got little red dots. Luckily they went away and that was the only symptoms.

He wouldn't breastfeed which was disappointing to me..i wanted to breastfeed so badly. The doctor said he had a slight recessed jaw which could have been part of the problem with latch-on. We continued to try for about 5 weeks but he just wasn't getting it so we ended up switching to formula. It was a blessing!! He has basically slept through the night since birth, 6+ hours then,and now he is sleeping around 10. He became much happier after switching and keeping a schedlue was much easier..but we aren't very strict. I try and let my kids guide when they eat and sleep..to an extent. Grant has put himself on a schedule.
I certainly don't think those eyes are wasted on a boy. He will be a very handsome man. What a rotten thing to say really. I let Charlotte decide when to sleep and eat too. So don't feel bad I do the same thing. Charlotte is a carpet cleaner too. She finds every little bit of anything on the floor and it goes directly to her mouth. Jim taught her to do the angry face. It is soooo funny. She scrunches her face up and curls her lips. I am trying to get a picture of her doing it.
I bet that is so funny! It is so funny hwne they are mad..many times their tantrums make me laugh!! Is that bad?? hehe..
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