Our house has seen the plague all winter long...i am in need of some Spring weather to get the windows open and some voodoo to release the sick bug who just wont leave. I am not going to make you suffer through all of my boring tales of our nasty brush with the cold this weekend but lets just say my washing machine did triple duty!!Yuk!! All during a weekend that was jammed packed with events including two baby showers, one that i hosted! But back to my kiddos. Hailey is back up and running at full speed like nothing ever happened. Grant looks better also. He is starting to eat more than just the BRAT diet(for those of you who don't know that is-bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) he even got formula today for the first time in almost three days. He is a happy baby to see it and i am a happy mommy for it to stay down! No poopies either..two semisolid stools...wooppppppiiiiiii!!!
He isn't out of the woods yet. He has basically been sick since November. We went back and started looking at old pics after his doctor apt. last Thursday and you could slowly see a decline in his size just from the pics. He was a chunky 9 mth old and now he is a scrawny 1 yr. old. In October he was 19.4 and now he is only 1oz bigger. But he has gained head circumference and an inch in height which shows he is doing okay and getting some nutrients. He has had one BIG ear infection since November and they are finally sending us to the specialist. We are hoping to hear from him today and get an appointment. Then we are assuming after he sees him the dreaded surgery...tubes...will be right behind that. So probably by the end of March my baby will have tubes and hopefully we can put this dreaded thing behind us!
He is developmentally on target and doing fine, just small. He is waving by, giving high fives, standing for longer times and occasionally taking one step..not brave enough to try more. He says dada, moma, doH(dog), and sometimes i think he says doe(done)...and maybe hi when he talks on the phone...it is hard to say with the last two because they are relatively new things he does..they sound different but cant tell if it is gibberish or actual words. The doctor says that because of his ears and all the the sicknesses he has had this winter it is to be expected that his weight is low. He says if after he gets the tubes if he doesn't start to gain weight then we will figure something else out but that is not something to worry about now.
Feb 2009-He was 29.25 for length, and 19 lbs. 5 oz. for his weight, then his head was 47.
Nov 2008-He was 28.25 for length, and 18lbs. 12oz. for his weight, then his head was 46.
**but his weight in October was 19lbs. 4 oz.**Please pray my baby becomes healthy and makes it through all of this okay. Surgery is scary even if it is something as routine as tubes...he will have to be put under. I am nervous!!
1 comment:
I feel so sorry for little Grant:( I hope everything goes ok. I couldn't imagine having surgery done on Charlotte, I would be a mess. I am hoping I will be seeing you and the kiddos very soon. How does the end of next month sound???:)
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