Saturday, January 31, 2009
They say we are in the middle of the storm of the century. We have been without power since wednesday and they say it could be WEEKS before it might be restored. They still have almost 50,000 people here without power and they expect it to get worse today since the trees will start to thaw and snap back. I am worried. I have so much going on and i am lost without my calendar and normal schedule. I can't run the daycare without a house...i dont have a car...i am at my mother-in-laws,,enough said there...and my kids are in a house of glass with little toys and they are getting stir crazy with nothing to do. I can't concentrate enough to do homework and i have twice as much work to do for this week. I am trying to get all of our birthday parties and tajee's abby shower planned but feel lost here. How do i make and print invitations when i am not home to do it! What a mess... This sucks really bad! I am just praying that before the end of the weekend a miracle happens and we have our power restored. Also think about all the people in shelters or trying to brave it at home in the cold. Pray that they are safe and warm in this disaster of a mess! I will write and post pics again as soon as i can. I dont have our good camera so don't expect much!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Brady Samuel Wathen

8 lbs. 5 oz.
21 inches long
January 26, 2009
6:36 p.m.
Congrats B.J. and Tajee! He is an absolute Doll baby!! I love him so much and i am so happy to have this new addition to the family. Their fourth and last baby and my third nephew! Tajee and baby are doing well. Luckily Tajee will get some reast since we are in the middle of a horrible ice/snow storm...but i am sad i won't see him for a couple of more days! I will just have to stare at the beautiful pics and dream of his sweet face!
Hailey says she knows all about SEX!!
We are in so much trouble....I was on myspace this morning updating pics on my new nephew Brady(pics to come) and my profile song came on. She immediately says is that your boyfriend singing this song. I won't try to explain but basically her daddy and me had a conversation and no i don't have a boyfriend!!!!I told her i dont have a boyfriend only daddy is my boyfriend.
I have already forgot exactly how she went from having a boyfreind to sex but she did...She says did you have sex.....i am like what?????????? I about had a first reaction was how do you know what sex is????? Then again daddy lets her watch family guy....enough said about that!!! She proceeds to tell me that she really does know what it means. As i tell her sex is something kids shouldn't know about and only mommy and daddy's should know about. But then i am curious because obviously we have sex and what if she walked in and we didn't know or maybe she saw something on tv...i wanted to see just what she knew.
She giggles her evil little giggle and gives me the look like really mom i know!! Then she says they bite each other..well not really she says!! Okay that is interesting...tell me more...then she shows me this face immitating a french kiss and says maybe they aren't exactly biting each other...but she is using her whole body to show me....O'boy!!! I figure no more Soap Opera's while she is home and i will be very select on the tv shows/movies she watches....we are in soooo much trouble!!For now we are just means a french kiss...i just hope it stays that way for a long, long time!!!
I have already forgot exactly how she went from having a boyfreind to sex but she did...She says did you have sex.....i am like what?????????? I about had a first reaction was how do you know what sex is????? Then again daddy lets her watch family guy....enough said about that!!! She proceeds to tell me that she really does know what it means. As i tell her sex is something kids shouldn't know about and only mommy and daddy's should know about. But then i am curious because obviously we have sex and what if she walked in and we didn't know or maybe she saw something on tv...i wanted to see just what she knew.
She giggles her evil little giggle and gives me the look like really mom i know!! Then she says they bite each other..well not really she says!! Okay that is interesting...tell me more...then she shows me this face immitating a french kiss and says maybe they aren't exactly biting each other...but she is using her whole body to show me....O'boy!!! I figure no more Soap Opera's while she is home and i will be very select on the tv shows/movies she watches....we are in soooo much trouble!!For now we are just means a french kiss...i just hope it stays that way for a long, long time!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009

My great grandma Hazel Lasse and my grandma Renee when she was very young.

Just a bit of my past i found on my families geneology website. It is amazing the things you can find and treasure forever. I am so happy to find some of these tidbits of my past to pass on to my present!! My children will love and treasure them also. I am going to go and get them printed off along with about 50 others...amazing!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Great-grandma Hazel and me..i think!

Baby, it's cold outside!
Hailey and Grant
I love this picture
They had a blast in the snow. It wasn't record amounts but just right for them to get their fingers in it and really enjoy playing in it. We took a short walk, made snow angels, slid down the slide, threw snowballs, and hailey tried to eat it all...not my favorite choice but it looked clean!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Holiday pics
A couple of pictures from my new camera!
Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009!
It is going to be a great year! We are following Jesus and trying to be "good people" and i feel like i am slowly figuring out how to make our family better Christians. Hailey is picking up on it and really starting to understand that we should be good people and do good things, not for ourselves, but for Jesus and to please him. We are supposed to be kind, generous, caring people in every aspect of our lives. Someone asked me what my New Year's resolution was and i said i didn't have one(because i never stick to them!)...but then i got thinking and this will be my resolution. Try to bring my family closer to our Lord and be better people! That is what this year is all about. I think this is one resolution i can stick with!!
Lets rewind and see what great things have happened this past year. Well i was pregnant in January, we had my baby shower and it was fabulous. Then Grant Lee Steele was born on February 15, 2008 at 5:05 pm weighing 6 pounds 11oz. March, was Hailey's birthday..."5" years old and sassy as ever. April, i got settled into a routine and back to work. May, i completed another semester of school, it was interesting trying to do it around pregnancy and baby but it all worked out!
June and July we enjoyed our normal summer activities and days of swimming fun. Much different with a newborn and a five year old. August was the beginning of Hailey's school days and Kindergarten with a wonderful teacher who has taught her so much. Also in August both of the kids became baptized at our church and my dad came to visit with Chris and the kids. I love those visits sooo much(and so does Hailey-she loves her papa). Then September i started back to school with five classes(a huge undertaking that i will never try again). In addition, Hailey started Daisy's(Girl Scouts)and seems to be opening up a little but more and starting to enjoy herself.
October, we had wonderful Halloween celebrations and the kids dressed up as a monkey(Grant) and a Christmas bride(Hailey). We always love the end of the year and all the fun activities we attend. Then November, brought Thanksgiving, and all the yummy food and praise we could have. It was delightful to see all of our family and friends. Also Jason and I got to sneak away for a day and go to Indianapolis for a Colt's game-GO COLT'S!! Then December was action packed with lots of birthdays(moms, jasmines, Jason's, Liam's, eds), Hailey's first school Christmas program(she finally sang this year), lots of illnesses, a vacation to Iowa to visit relatives, and an absolutely awesome Christmas.
We also got many new fun gadgets around the house this year. We have our new camcorder, thanks Lee, that has given us so many memories and the chance to relive our babies precious moments over and over again! We have our new TV, while smaller(a 40inch) it is according to the man of the house more superior than the other. I don't see the difference but i am grateful none the less. And last but not least thank you Lord for my laptop. I am so excited to have it even though currently Jason uses it more than i do. Once school starts it will become an invaluable tool to help me succeed in studying and getting things done in the comfort of my own couch, bed, bathtub(kidding)...wherever i want! Oyyyyeahhhh thanks to my mom we also got the all important DVD player for the car. It rocks and kept my daughter silent over the 20ish hours of car time she endured while we traveled over the holidays. Mom you really know what kind of present every family needs! It is perfect!
Then on to Christmas which every year amazes me more and more! Everyone is so generous and we get so many wonderful gifts. I got my own personal camera, nothing crazy but it does its job and it fits in my purse. I love our big fancy Nikon D80 but it is HUGE and expensive and i don't like the idea of taking it with me everywhere when a smaller cheaper version is more suitable. You will just have to be happy with my grainy pics! Also i got perfume, a nice necklace(one each from Hailey and Jason), my colt's sweatshirt, 2 Nike sweatshirts(1 really wanted some cozy clothes), chocolate and more chocolate. Hailey got so much stuff i won't even try to remember it all but she got an MP3 player, a digital camera, an electric guitar, air hockey, laptop, my meebas, a tini puppini, trouble(the game), lots of Polly pockets(and the cruise ship), littlest pet shop, clothes, clothes, and more clothes(including a COLT'S cheerleader outfit), money, so much craft stuff i had to buy a new organizer to hold it all and lots of books now that she is starting to read. Grant was rotten also and got two ride on toys(Santa brought him a big digger), some trucks and tractors, books(lots of books),lots and lots of clothes and some bath toys. Daddy got some movies, Colt's gear, and i was nice enough to get his a beer making kit, with lots of he will never have to leave home again(j/k)!! I am sure i am leaving stuff out but that sums up most of our Christmas. But my best gift of all was when Hailey told me that Christmas was not about the presents but it was about Jesus birthday and continued to tell me and everyone else the story of Christmas. I had been telling it to her for months but i didn't think it really made it through all the gimme gimme gimmes...she was spoiled this year but i think she truly understands the importance of Christmas and i hope we all do also!
Lets rewind and see what great things have happened this past year. Well i was pregnant in January, we had my baby shower and it was fabulous. Then Grant Lee Steele was born on February 15, 2008 at 5:05 pm weighing 6 pounds 11oz. March, was Hailey's birthday..."5" years old and sassy as ever. April, i got settled into a routine and back to work. May, i completed another semester of school, it was interesting trying to do it around pregnancy and baby but it all worked out!
June and July we enjoyed our normal summer activities and days of swimming fun. Much different with a newborn and a five year old. August was the beginning of Hailey's school days and Kindergarten with a wonderful teacher who has taught her so much. Also in August both of the kids became baptized at our church and my dad came to visit with Chris and the kids. I love those visits sooo much(and so does Hailey-she loves her papa). Then September i started back to school with five classes(a huge undertaking that i will never try again). In addition, Hailey started Daisy's(Girl Scouts)and seems to be opening up a little but more and starting to enjoy herself.
October, we had wonderful Halloween celebrations and the kids dressed up as a monkey(Grant) and a Christmas bride(Hailey). We always love the end of the year and all the fun activities we attend. Then November, brought Thanksgiving, and all the yummy food and praise we could have. It was delightful to see all of our family and friends. Also Jason and I got to sneak away for a day and go to Indianapolis for a Colt's game-GO COLT'S!! Then December was action packed with lots of birthdays(moms, jasmines, Jason's, Liam's, eds), Hailey's first school Christmas program(she finally sang this year), lots of illnesses, a vacation to Iowa to visit relatives, and an absolutely awesome Christmas.
We also got many new fun gadgets around the house this year. We have our new camcorder, thanks Lee, that has given us so many memories and the chance to relive our babies precious moments over and over again! We have our new TV, while smaller(a 40inch) it is according to the man of the house more superior than the other. I don't see the difference but i am grateful none the less. And last but not least thank you Lord for my laptop. I am so excited to have it even though currently Jason uses it more than i do. Once school starts it will become an invaluable tool to help me succeed in studying and getting things done in the comfort of my own couch, bed, bathtub(kidding)...wherever i want! Oyyyyeahhhh thanks to my mom we also got the all important DVD player for the car. It rocks and kept my daughter silent over the 20ish hours of car time she endured while we traveled over the holidays. Mom you really know what kind of present every family needs! It is perfect!
Then on to Christmas which every year amazes me more and more! Everyone is so generous and we get so many wonderful gifts. I got my own personal camera, nothing crazy but it does its job and it fits in my purse. I love our big fancy Nikon D80 but it is HUGE and expensive and i don't like the idea of taking it with me everywhere when a smaller cheaper version is more suitable. You will just have to be happy with my grainy pics! Also i got perfume, a nice necklace(one each from Hailey and Jason), my colt's sweatshirt, 2 Nike sweatshirts(1 really wanted some cozy clothes), chocolate and more chocolate. Hailey got so much stuff i won't even try to remember it all but she got an MP3 player, a digital camera, an electric guitar, air hockey, laptop, my meebas, a tini puppini, trouble(the game), lots of Polly pockets(and the cruise ship), littlest pet shop, clothes, clothes, and more clothes(including a COLT'S cheerleader outfit), money, so much craft stuff i had to buy a new organizer to hold it all and lots of books now that she is starting to read. Grant was rotten also and got two ride on toys(Santa brought him a big digger), some trucks and tractors, books(lots of books),lots and lots of clothes and some bath toys. Daddy got some movies, Colt's gear, and i was nice enough to get his a beer making kit, with lots of he will never have to leave home again(j/k)!! I am sure i am leaving stuff out but that sums up most of our Christmas. But my best gift of all was when Hailey told me that Christmas was not about the presents but it was about Jesus birthday and continued to tell me and everyone else the story of Christmas. I had been telling it to her for months but i didn't think it really made it through all the gimme gimme gimmes...she was spoiled this year but i think she truly understands the importance of Christmas and i hope we all do also!
It has been a rough holiday with a sick baby!
I am back finally, it seems things have calmed down around the Steele household. December was a really busy and rough month. Grant had two colds, over 1 week of vomiting(starting while 5 hours from home and 4 hours from our destination), and an ear infection that included three rounds of meds(he was allergic to one, found out while on vacation) none that worked and an antibiotic shot. He still has the ear infections but we are hoping the shot works. I am unsure of the next step if they aren't cleared up by the end of the week! Then Jason had a small stomach bug in the middle of the month, i had it on Christmas eve and we all have had some variation of coughs, colds, or runny noses! Also i completed finals, and passed with a 3.0(while taking five classes with two kids), finally something good to end 2008!
We got to go to Iowa to visit my dad's side of the family. It was very nice to have a gathering with all my aunts and uncles and show off the kiddos. I love seeing them. And my brothers and sisters are growing so fast and and soon they will be off and dealing with their own families and i will see them even less than i do now. I wish we lived closer. Also, grant said his third word, Doh(Dog) while up there. He was in love with their pit bull..even though i was a tad scared with it around. Not just because it was a pit bull but because dogs and little kids worry me in general. I am a worry wart!! On the down side, grant vomited most of the trip. First from a high fever from ear infections then from a reaction from one of the meds for the ear infections...and maybe a hint of a stomach bug somewhere in between. It was miserable. He lived on apple juice, pedialite, and fruit loops for three+ days. I was so worried about him. He was very close to dehydration and i was exhausted. It made for a very stressful trip to say the least.
Hailey and Jason got to go Ice fishing and play on the four wheeler which tickled her to death! But the rest of the trip was spent just talking to everyone and relaxing(with a puking baby stuck to my hip). I was happy we went but wish it had been better conditions.
We got to go to Iowa to visit my dad's side of the family. It was very nice to have a gathering with all my aunts and uncles and show off the kiddos. I love seeing them. And my brothers and sisters are growing so fast and and soon they will be off and dealing with their own families and i will see them even less than i do now. I wish we lived closer. Also, grant said his third word, Doh(Dog) while up there. He was in love with their pit bull..even though i was a tad scared with it around. Not just because it was a pit bull but because dogs and little kids worry me in general. I am a worry wart!! On the down side, grant vomited most of the trip. First from a high fever from ear infections then from a reaction from one of the meds for the ear infections...and maybe a hint of a stomach bug somewhere in between. It was miserable. He lived on apple juice, pedialite, and fruit loops for three+ days. I was so worried about him. He was very close to dehydration and i was exhausted. It made for a very stressful trip to say the least.
Hailey and Jason got to go Ice fishing and play on the four wheeler which tickled her to death! But the rest of the trip was spent just talking to everyone and relaxing(with a puking baby stuck to my hip). I was happy we went but wish it had been better conditions.
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