Well, what a day this has started off to be. I was up off and on all night with Grant who wasn't feeling well..turkey, gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole, corn casserole, fruit salad, cranberry salad, pies, pies, and more pies=too much of a good thing...BELLY ACHE!!! He cried himself to sleep on my chest. I gave him tylenol and gas drops because he was in so much pain. It was horrible!
Then Jason let me sleep uninterrupted from 6:30-10:30 this morning. It was so peaceful and wonderful..ahhh refreshed. Grant is feeling well and back to normal so we stuck with some baby food and more simple foods today to help get him back on track.
My mom was supposed to watch the kiddos tonight while Jason and I go to my... GULP... 10 year reunion....BUT she is deadly ill with a 104 temp and Bronchitis. We haven't done the babysitter thing yet so we were concerned about finding a replacement but luckily him mom said she could do it. But because of that i had to clean my house. If it was my mom i wouldn't care but for all of you with a mother-in-law it is different...my house needed cleaned! I have everything put away except dishes...i will get to that soon.
Jason took Hailey shopping so i only have Grant but i am starting to get nervous about tonight. I have put on so much weight since getting pregnant....over 50lbs....i am so ashamed..i feel like the goodyear blimp! I got some new clothes this fall but i just can't decide what looks the best. I narrowed it down to two dresses and a pair of pants and nice shirt but i am pretty sure i like the one dress the best. It is very Thanksgiving-Fall!! I like the shape and i can wear pantyhose to suck in all the belly fat since my spankys are at my moms....i am really upset about that!!
Also, I dyed my hair yesterday expecting meduim BROWN..and got redish black instead....it looks nice but very rockstar. Nothing like i would normally have. It doenst work well but i dont have time to redye it before tonight! Nothing like going with a bang!
I am very thrilled with seeing all my old girlfriends. I really miss them all. I try to remember why we all quit hanging out and nothing comes to me. It has just been to long and for the most part there wasnt any reason other than just drifting apart! I had an older boyfreind in high school and hung out with him and his freinds and we just seperated. It sucks. I dont have many friends that i get together with for dinner and drinks. No one calls me when they come back into town. I had a huge group of friends in high school..but i let them all get away!
I am hoping this can bring some of us back together and reunite. I have been emailing lots of them but i would like more. I would love to get together with them for parties and to take the kids out. I am truly excited to see where life has led everyone.
I will update everyone on how things go. My hubby is going with me. He doesn't want to go but doesn't want to stay home either. Hopefully he will get along with everyone and enjoy the night! It would be great if they have a keg...yeah right more like a cash bar.
It is at rolling hills...where we got married. I am excited to go back. Good memories! I will post picks when we get back. Wish me luck!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
My baby boy is growing up, 9 months and 1 week old!

This sums it all up! I love those eyes and eyelashes. Someone said the other day how sad they were wasted on a boy. I think they are sooo wrong. How fantastic..he is gorgeous/handsome and all mine! I love his fantastic little pudgy fingers and toes and those cheeks everyone says they want to eat(as wierd as that sounds).
We have his 9 month pictures coming soon. We got them taken today and I am very excited to show everyone! They should be adorable. Baby's first Christmas...

His current: Weight 18.12, He went down to the 20th % but they say that is normal for his small birthweight and at the stage he is in. They will watch for a gain next time. His height was 28 1/4, he went up to the 48th %, and his head was 46.
He has mild eczema but it is controlled with mosturizing..the doctor says it will probably get worse as he grows but currently he doesnt have to have any additional medications/creams for it. He is starting to get the whiplashed cheeks from the cold and they said that is one of the other things he will be more prone to in the winter so we have been lathering him with vasoline or A&D ointment as often as possible so it doesn;t get painful. So far it doesn't seem to bother him.
He has been granted unlimited access to adult food(except honey, nuts, etc)..so we are weaning him off many of the baby foods. It was expensive and he didn't like us feeding him any more so we are cleaning out the cabinets of infant food and beefing up his finger food list. I still mash most of it up some but he does well with most foods so everything is fair game. I am watching him with eggs and milk(yogurt) because one of them gave him a rash yesterday..his back and face got little red dots. Luckily they went away and that was the only symptoms.

He wouldn't breastfeed which was disappointing to me..i wanted to breastfeed so badly. The doctor said he had a slight recessed jaw which could have been part of the problem with latch-on. We continued to try for about 5 weeks but he just wasn't getting it so we ended up switching to formula. It was a blessing!! He has basically slept through the night since birth, 6+ hours then,and now he is sleeping around 10. He became much happier after switching and keeping a schedlue was much easier..but we aren't very strict. I try and let my kids guide when they eat and sleep..to an extent. Grant has put himself on a schedule.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The things people come up with

But this on the other hand is genius!! I am in love. I only wish i had almost $700 plus shipping to get it! Some day when my kids are grown and i win the lottery, that i don't play, i will have one for my grandbabies. They make so many cute things nowadays..if only we could afford them all! Ahhh...all i want for Christmas is....$$$
I lost many of my blog sites i watch..i am sick about it!!
When i redid my page i thought i had saved everything the same as before....i didnt notice until today that my blog sites i read were gone!! I hadn't saved them on my dashboard because i wasn't a followed just a secret grazer. Such a big mistake. I had some photographers on there that were amazing and now i will probably never find their site again! I found many of them from memory and added them the proper way so i can't lose them again but i want all of them back. I am so sick from this!! How sad!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Hailey's Christmas outfit

We always get decked out for Christmas and pictures but this year i wanted something more comfortable. Something Hailey could wear over again throughout winter without having to go to a Ball to look like she belonged!! Hailey's dress is adorable and i had a Red bow made up to match and my favorite local store! You can't see the detail very well in this picture but it has snowflakes, hot chocolate, and little mittens and hats. I wasn't sure about the colors because usually i like the traditional red stuff but this was just what i wanted. I think i am going to go get hailey a pair of the suede brown boots to go with it and leggings in red.
Grant is wearing a sweater set my mother-in-law made for him so he is covered..not i just have to find somethign for Jason and I....a great reason to go shopping this weekend. I really need a new red sweater or something!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Busy Schedule-Hailey sports and activities
I am sure that everyone has a crazy schedule and mine is no different. Life is crazy enough with Hailey in school(we take and pick her up) and my daycare and school schedule. We never had Hailey in any organized activities other than library time and zoo camp...until now. When she started Kindergarten this Fall we knew it was time for her to get out and try some new things. We signed her up for Daisy's(Girl Scouts) which just started this month. Also she just signed up over the weekend for Cheerleading through a local church.
The church has what is called Upward cheerleading. Upward emphasizes character and integrity instead of a “win at all costs” mentality associated with today’s sports world. Check it out at http://www.upward.org It is for kids from Kindergarten through 6th grade! I am so happy to have heard about it. The kids also hear a devotional every week and be given the opportunity to learn scripture verses. It is exactly what i wanted hailey to get the opportuntiy to do.
I want her in activities that are going to teach her character and respect. I hope that both of the activities she is currently involved in will foster growth and a challenge for her. It is going to keep us busy with practices and outings but that is what life is all about. What fun is t to sit at home and never experience life. I want her to try out different sports and activities until she finds the ones that she loves the most then she can stick with them.
Upward has numerous other sports that they offer throughout the year so as soon as she is done with cheer then we are going to try something different. We already decided that tee ball is coming up in February-March so that will probably we next, then soccer will be around summer. She should stay active this year.
I am amazed at how much she has thinned out since the start of school and her being able to run in gym! I love it!! She even won a metal for meeting the qualifications for their olympics program. Then she also has entered into something called Reflections, a contest where hse has to make a work of art all about the theme of the year. This year it is "Wow"..i am excited since this is right up her alley. She is my little artist!! It is due Dec. 17th then shortly afte they will announce the winners who will go on to the state competition!
We have Daisy's(Girl Scouts) twice a month, then cheer practice 1 day a week until January then 1 practice a week and 1 game every saturday unti l March.
Some of the upcoming activities/programs:
Nov.18 PTA meeting & Dinner...Grant Dr. Apt. and maybe shots??
Nov.20 Grandparent's day at school
Nov.23, Holiday Parade, Evansville, all Daisy's(girlscouts, ect),
Nov.24 Daisy's meeting
Nov.26 Limo Lunch(She, mom and dad, sold over $250 for school fundraiser)
Thanksgiving and my class reunion
Dec.1 Follow up surgery apt. for hailey's tubes/adnoids
Week of Dec.1 Cheer practices start(weekly)
Dec.6 Pump it up Bday Party friends kids
Dec.7 Church Christmas musical
Dec.8 Hailey's School musical/play(she's in it)
....and the rest is to be continued....i can't imagine what it will be like when both kids are in sports and activites...we are going to be running somewhere every night! The things we do for our kids!! I love you mom!!
The church has what is called Upward cheerleading. Upward emphasizes character and integrity instead of a “win at all costs” mentality associated with today’s sports world. Check it out at http://www.upward.org It is for kids from Kindergarten through 6th grade! I am so happy to have heard about it. The kids also hear a devotional every week and be given the opportunity to learn scripture verses. It is exactly what i wanted hailey to get the opportuntiy to do.
I want her in activities that are going to teach her character and respect. I hope that both of the activities she is currently involved in will foster growth and a challenge for her. It is going to keep us busy with practices and outings but that is what life is all about. What fun is t to sit at home and never experience life. I want her to try out different sports and activities until she finds the ones that she loves the most then she can stick with them.
Upward has numerous other sports that they offer throughout the year so as soon as she is done with cheer then we are going to try something different. We already decided that tee ball is coming up in February-March so that will probably we next, then soccer will be around summer. She should stay active this year.
I am amazed at how much she has thinned out since the start of school and her being able to run in gym! I love it!! She even won a metal for meeting the qualifications for their olympics program. Then she also has entered into something called Reflections, a contest where hse has to make a work of art all about the theme of the year. This year it is "Wow"..i am excited since this is right up her alley. She is my little artist!! It is due Dec. 17th then shortly afte they will announce the winners who will go on to the state competition!
We have Daisy's(Girl Scouts) twice a month, then cheer practice 1 day a week until January then 1 practice a week and 1 game every saturday unti l March.
Some of the upcoming activities/programs:
Nov.18 PTA meeting & Dinner...Grant Dr. Apt. and maybe shots??
Nov.20 Grandparent's day at school
Nov.23, Holiday Parade, Evansville, all Daisy's(girlscouts, ect),
Nov.24 Daisy's meeting
Nov.26 Limo Lunch(She, mom and dad, sold over $250 for school fundraiser)
Thanksgiving and my class reunion
Dec.1 Follow up surgery apt. for hailey's tubes/adnoids
Week of Dec.1 Cheer practices start(weekly)
Dec.6 Pump it up Bday Party friends kids
Dec.7 Church Christmas musical
Dec.8 Hailey's School musical/play(she's in it)
....and the rest is to be continued....i can't imagine what it will be like when both kids are in sports and activites...we are going to be running somewhere every night! The things we do for our kids!! I love you mom!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Book of the week

This book is amazing. It is full of true miracles and stories of how God is watching over us even during times of tragedy. I cried through most of it and it really made me so thankful for where we live and the life we have. We have never had to suffer through our whole family systematically being killed and the torture these people had to endure. It was heartwrenching to think that people exist with as much cruelty as Hitler and his people. I think everyone intersted in the Holocaust and the miracles and life surrounding it should read this book...you will be thankful you did!
Tooth Fairy
Jason and I got to play tooth fairy monday. It was amazing but unexpected. We didn't even know her tooth was loose until Sunday and by Monday night she pulled it out. I was in class and Jason called me and told me she pulled it out all by herself. I was sad i wasn't there but it was very neat that Jason got to have this special time with her. He finally got to see a first before me.... He misses so much that he wants to see. So hailey has been thrilled about loosing this tooth. She said she thought she had more loose(she doesn't) just because she wanted the tooth fairy to come back again.
We werent prepared for this so we didnt do anything special. I feel guilty now. I was hoping to give her a cutre little box to put the tooth in or at least leave her a little book or note...i was so tired that night i didn't even think creatively. We put the tooth in a ziplock bag and stuck it under her pillow. The tooth fairy left her a $1. We hear that it's the going rate now days..inflation has really pushed up the reward since i was a child, we used to only get a quarter or something. Anyways, we saved the tooth for her memeory box. I think it will be appreciated. I will post pictures soon of her cute littler smile minus one bottom tooth! I always thought i wouldn't like my kids, the way they looked not the kids themselves (; without teeth but now i think it is precious..i mean so sweet. She is very proud an dhas been showing of the fact that her tongue fits in the hole..priceless!
We werent prepared for this so we didnt do anything special. I feel guilty now. I was hoping to give her a cutre little box to put the tooth in or at least leave her a little book or note...i was so tired that night i didn't even think creatively. We put the tooth in a ziplock bag and stuck it under her pillow. The tooth fairy left her a $1. We hear that it's the going rate now days..inflation has really pushed up the reward since i was a child, we used to only get a quarter or something. Anyways, we saved the tooth for her memeory box. I think it will be appreciated. I will post pictures soon of her cute littler smile minus one bottom tooth! I always thought i wouldn't like my kids, the way they looked not the kids themselves (; without teeth but now i think it is precious..i mean so sweet. She is very proud an dhas been showing of the fact that her tongue fits in the hole..priceless!
Update-Hailey's surgery
Well surgery is over and she is doing great. She had her adnoids taken out and tubes put in her ears. She was put to sleep and surgery was about 20-30 minutes then about 1 1/2 hours in recovery. She had some minor problems with vomiting but we got Fenegrin and it helped her very quickly. She slept the rest of the4 day friday then was up running for the rest of the weekend. She was a little sleepier than normal but most of the tim ebounced off the walls. She stopped taking pain medicine saturday.
SHe is now one week out and feeling very good. Ocassionally she still has a sore throat, itchyness/coughing, or mild ear discomfort but it is rare. She also might get headaches and neck pain but she hasnt asked for tylenol so i dont think it has bothered her much. If anything she seems back to normal. She isnt very happy about having to stay out of gym for another week but it should keep her from doing anything that could hurt herself. She goes back in two weeks for a checkup and to get some ear plugs or at least discuss getting some. They make molded ones($70)...uggg...straight out of our pocket. I figure we might wait to get those until closer to swimming time. The grows so fast i dont want to get some now then need another pair by summer.
I will keep you updated on how she is doing but they say this should prevent ear infections a nd even possibly colds. It would be great to have her even healthier because of this. But overall i am just hoping for her to not be in pain anymore. I hate to see her wake up in the midlle of the night screaming in agony. It is misserable to know that there is nothing i can do to help her. Just pray that the tubes do their job and keep her healthy!
SHe is now one week out and feeling very good. Ocassionally she still has a sore throat, itchyness/coughing, or mild ear discomfort but it is rare. She also might get headaches and neck pain but she hasnt asked for tylenol so i dont think it has bothered her much. If anything she seems back to normal. She isnt very happy about having to stay out of gym for another week but it should keep her from doing anything that could hurt herself. She goes back in two weeks for a checkup and to get some ear plugs or at least discuss getting some. They make molded ones($70)...uggg...straight out of our pocket. I figure we might wait to get those until closer to swimming time. The grows so fast i dont want to get some now then need another pair by summer.
I will keep you updated on how she is doing but they say this should prevent ear infections a nd even possibly colds. It would be great to have her even healthier because of this. But overall i am just hoping for her to not be in pain anymore. I hate to see her wake up in the midlle of the night screaming in agony. It is misserable to know that there is nothing i can do to help her. Just pray that the tubes do their job and keep her healthy!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Obama is our 44th President

I am so excited to finally say "change is in the air". What a wonderful feeling to have our 44th president having so much optimism and truly supporting and working for the middle class. No candidate was perfect..they both had faults...but he is respectful and a hardworker who wants to make this country great again. I believe in him and i believe in our our country. We can come together and raise ourselves back up out of the slump we have been in. I have great expectations for our children and the future and his ideas when implemented should make their life so much greater. We as a country needed this so badly. I am so proud to have Barack Obama as our next president. Congrats!
I am so dissapointed in all the people who supported McCain and have bashed Obama(and vise versa). I understand you are proud of your candidate and want them to win but really you need to get your facts together first. If you have a valid argument it is one thing but so many people have based their thoughts on ideas that are not true at all. My step father was against Obama and was for mcCain because of his military record until my mom laid out Obamas plan and what he really wanted. He had been listening to uneducated people's opinions and hadnt learned the true facts about either candidate. We assumed he had voted McCain since he considers himself republican/conservative/Military..ect...but this morning he told us he didn't he voted for change and for Obama! My mom was in tears and so proud of him for making an educated vote.
I think that if you looked at the issues and still voted for mcCain because you beleived he was the man for the job then good for you..you made the decision you thought was right just like everyone should..an educated vote!! But for the people who voted and just followed what their parents did or because he was black..white...or whatever SHAME ON YOU!!! I am so disappointed...i can't believe all the racial slurs and backlash i have already heard. Some even say that he is a terrorist..give me a break!! I think everyone has a right to an opinion but only if it is educated and correct...all these false ideas are what make so many of the bad things in this world happen. You need to trust your leaders and trust the government...and pray for them to do what is right for the whole United States...especially the poor!! We are known as the wealthiest country in the world but so many of us arent willing to give up just a small bit to help our neighbor....wouldnt this world be a better place if we all just helped each other out! It is not alll abou t being at the top and screw everyone on the bottom. If we didnt have a bottom you couldnt climb to the top!
Everyone whines abou t socialism but they take care of their people. Have you ever researched their healthcare and education??? You should it is amazing!! They take care of everyone so that the bottom people have a chance to survive and make something of themselves. We deserve to give our new president the chance to help the people of our country also. I am not saying socialism is the answer but there are aspects of it that would keep the corrupt(healthcare industry especially) from making the basics needs of our people impossible to have. Dont you think everyone has the right to be healthy??
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Graduatation pushed back-2010!! ):
Well y'all it looks like my dream of graduating before i am 30 isn't going to happen! I am very dissappointed. I have been pushing myself very hard even taking 5 classes this semester because i was told i could get done by christmas 2009. I was so happy to have only one more year to go and then i could be a graduate with a four year degree. Well here is what happened and what is going on now. It might be hard to explain so i will give the condensed version.
When you start a degree you start off with a set # of classes and you get a sheet to follow with all the names of these classes and requirements and you stick with those classes until graduation even if requirements change for future students getting the same degree. Well i started my info when at Ivy Tech and i signed up for classes in spring 2007 for USI..we filled out the Business Administration sheet and me and my advisors have been following it ever since.
Unfortunately my advisor is an idiot and hasn't been checking my file for the past 1 1/2 YEARS!!! SO the requirements for the Busienss Administration degree changed in Fall 2007 and that is actually when i declared my Major(before i was undecided) so he should have given me the new form with all my new requirements(I never should have been going by the old sheet since i hadn't declared it my major yet)....but it never happened! Luckily i caught it this semester or i would have been taking a bunch of classes that wouldnt work.
My options after talking with about 10 different people and the Dean became either taking the new Business Administation degree with an emphasis on general business(YUCK more accounting and finance classes) or i would have to switch my degree to Management with an emphasis on Human Resources. I was happy with the second choice except that it now has more courses that i wouldnt have had to take and some of the classes are on the same nights and only offered in the Spring!! SO i am forced to go an extra semester now! So my new degree is actually a Management degree with an emphasis on Human Resource Management!
The good thing is i am not going to be so stressed out because i will only have to take 4 classes this spring..then 1-2 this summer(by choice)..then currently i have 10credit hours(fall 2009) and 6 credit hours(Spring 2010)..and 2 credits from gym that need to go somewhere in between!! This is much better than my current 15 hour schedule. I can breathe.
Also it will make it possible for me to try and get an internship starting this summer or spring that will have me working until graduation where i can start working full-time! I am excited...this will keep me home with the kids and Grant from having to go into daycare while so young. We prefer him being at least 2..but 3 would be ideal!! I hate the thought of him being raised by someone other than his parents! We will figure it out as it comes!
This was a glitch in our plan and was very upsetting at first but when i look at the overall scheme of things...it was meant to be and will actually be better for our family(minus the fact that we still wont have any extra money)!! I am just praying my plan works out the way we have it and life doesn't throw us any more curve balls!
When you start a degree you start off with a set # of classes and you get a sheet to follow with all the names of these classes and requirements and you stick with those classes until graduation even if requirements change for future students getting the same degree. Well i started my info when at Ivy Tech and i signed up for classes in spring 2007 for USI..we filled out the Business Administration sheet and me and my advisors have been following it ever since.
Unfortunately my advisor is an idiot and hasn't been checking my file for the past 1 1/2 YEARS!!! SO the requirements for the Busienss Administration degree changed in Fall 2007 and that is actually when i declared my Major(before i was undecided) so he should have given me the new form with all my new requirements(I never should have been going by the old sheet since i hadn't declared it my major yet)....but it never happened! Luckily i caught it this semester or i would have been taking a bunch of classes that wouldnt work.
My options after talking with about 10 different people and the Dean became either taking the new Business Administation degree with an emphasis on general business(YUCK more accounting and finance classes) or i would have to switch my degree to Management with an emphasis on Human Resources. I was happy with the second choice except that it now has more courses that i wouldnt have had to take and some of the classes are on the same nights and only offered in the Spring!! SO i am forced to go an extra semester now! So my new degree is actually a Management degree with an emphasis on Human Resource Management!
The good thing is i am not going to be so stressed out because i will only have to take 4 classes this spring..then 1-2 this summer(by choice)..then currently i have 10credit hours(fall 2009) and 6 credit hours(Spring 2010)..and 2 credits from gym that need to go somewhere in between!! This is much better than my current 15 hour schedule. I can breathe.
Also it will make it possible for me to try and get an internship starting this summer or spring that will have me working until graduation where i can start working full-time! I am excited...this will keep me home with the kids and Grant from having to go into daycare while so young. We prefer him being at least 2..but 3 would be ideal!! I hate the thought of him being raised by someone other than his parents! We will figure it out as it comes!
This was a glitch in our plan and was very upsetting at first but when i look at the overall scheme of things...it was meant to be and will actually be better for our family(minus the fact that we still wont have any extra money)!! I am just praying my plan works out the way we have it and life doesn't throw us any more curve balls!
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